Lets See Your Outside Plants

Seeds germinated on March 23rd. Put in ground around May 20th. I used the Tom Hill soil mix, recipe from the Cannabis Encyclopedia by Jorge Cervantes. I got my seeds from Crop King Seeds. Pictures taken on July 28th, 2021. Will take another set of pics on August 28th. I live in southern Ontario.

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June 27, 2021:
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One of the bad things about outside plants is bugs. Not much of a surprise there I guess. I don't usually have a problem with spider mites but I usually get aphids. Aerosol pyrethrin, milk and water, and lots of natural ladybugs have all worked well for me BUT I'm not too sure what this is. Anyway it's off the plant. Not the first time I've seen this either; I get a few leaves like this every year.
Looks like stinkbug eggs.
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Use more BT!
I think they’re moth eggs. Never heard of stink bugs out here in eastern Canada; but maybe. Anyway they’re off.
I’m not sure I can get BT in Canada. I’ve never had to use it. Just aerosol pyrethrin, water and milk spray one or twice and handpicking shit like those egg sacs off. I will get aphids but I’ll spray with pyrethrin and then the ladybugs show up. I had a lot of them last year. My plants were covered with ladybugs, molting and going through their stages. Then they kind of tapered out when they ate most of the aphids and they got predacious on each other. I’m lucky they show up; I’d love to breed a big colony of them sometime. I found them in my house all last winter too. Must have been eggs on the outside buds.
I'm in Canada, you can get BT. Safer's BTK Insecticide, 100-mL concentrate. Bottle must say Bacillus thuringiensis, since there are two different Safer BT products.. I've had caterpillar problems all summer too, finally got this
Anyone try to trap moths instead of spraying BT later in flower?

My plants are susceptible to mold from sprays once they're beyond week 4 so I'm curious if there's an effective type of trap that anyone here uses.
Anyone try to trap moths instead of spraying BT later in flower?

My plants are susceptible to mold from sprays once they're beyond week 4 so I'm curious if there's an effective type of trap that anyone here uses.
Yes. I use pheromone traps. But I still spray. I tank mix potassium bicarbonate. That helps with any mold and mildew issues.
Anyone try to trap moths instead of spraying BT later in flower?

My plants are susceptible to mold from sprays once they're beyond week 4 so I'm curious if there's an effective type of trap that anyone here uses.
I also use the large and small 3m yellow sticky cards. I don't spray bt, that late into flowering. I mix it and spinosad both with the potassium bicarbonate. And for me, in the hoop house they all last longer. Later on I use isopropyl and castile soap mixed with the potassium bicarbonate to both kill any bugs and protect from fungal infections.