Let’s spark a hog leg!


Well-Known Member
Different regions have different customs and slang. I’ve been married for years to the same woman and learned something new this week. I’m born and raised in the Deep South and my wife is from the Cleveland, OH area. She moved down south while doing a traveling nurse assignment. Anyhow, the other day, I rolled up a fat one and asked her if she wanted to burn a hog leg. Well, evidently I have never said that to her and she had no idea what I was talking about. Is this strictly a southern term? I’d love to hear what slang terms other regions use for burning one.
My college roommate sophomore year was from Boston. The first night in our dorm he says to me " you wanna spark a bone" ? I had no idea what the hell he was saying much less with his strong Boston accent. Turns out it meant fire up a joint. The things I learned in school really paid off lol.
We usually call a safety meeting

We always used that term too. I taught it to my coworkers and now they use it when they sneak out back.
My friends and I used "Jeff" as a code word for weed, like, "Let's go talk to Jeff" (smoke) or "have you talked to Jeff lately?" if we were looking to buy. This way we could talk about weed out in public without anyone being the wiser.

Off subject but we also had names for our smoke spots like "the airport" or "The bowling alley.

Kinda miss those days hanging out in front of starbucks all day passing time until we knew where the nights party was going to be and frequently jumping into someones car to go smoke.

Super fun when we hot-boxed my friends hearse. Good times.
We always used that term too. I taught it to my coworkers and now they use it when they sneak out back.
My friends and I used "Jeff" as a code word for weed, like, "Let's go talk to Jeff" (smoke) or "have you talked to Jeff lately?" if we were looking to buy. This way we could talk about weed out in public without anyone being the wiser.

Off subject but we also had names for our smoke spots like "the airport" or "The bowling alley.

Kinda miss those days hanging out in front of starbucks all day passing time until we knew where the nights party was going to be and frequently jumping into someones car to go smoke.

Super fun when we hot-boxed my friends hearse. Good times.
In high school we would all meet at “Happy Trail” every morning for a smoke down…ha!
When blunts became a thing, people in DC called anything rolled in traditional rolling papers a white boy. Not sure if that's a universal or just a DC/East coast thing.

I'll 2nd that!

Also a blunt was referred to as a "J"

I can remember the papers/blunts of choice- zig zags, jokers, EZ widers, Phillies, white owls, Dutch masters