Well-Known Member
oh and youre right - 85W/23W = 3.7, so almost 4 cobs to replace that one.....You don't need 3 of them to get the same power/lumens as a cxb. .

granted some assumptions were made on bin and cct, but the fact remains, as stated a few times in this thread, all these mfrs have different techniques and it will take a real 3rd party test *and* some real world experiences before we can identify the value leaders
ill bet a CXB3070 would be good candidate up against the cheapies as theyre 160 lm/W @ 62W..... thats about 2.5 cheapies per $30 3070
its hard to beat the old adages like "you get what you pay for:" cree may be a "premium" , but i feel that the best value lies in "2nd tier" cobs by other majors like nichia, bridgelux, etc. or there will be a few dark horses that arise out of the no-names. but theres an old contractor's rule of thumb "never take the lowest bid".... we will find the "value" of these bargain cobs when you hear the stories of the guys who come home from vcation to find their grow wrecked by a bad cob that took out the whole string, or the potentially unlucky fire victim, etc. I think @greengenes said he had maybe one bad cree out of the box in several thousand, and i have yet to hear of a properly installed cob that burned out once in use. throw in the fact that the bargain chips will have a wider tolerance of luminosity and color, etc, you get where im going.
nothing like actual field data, so an exciting year for the geeks at any rate.
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