***Lets Talk Auto Flower***


So I have lowrider#2 X AK auto flower seeds. I have never done Auto Flower so I have some basic questions for Auto Flower users.

Do you use mh light for the full cycle, or do you put them under hps light when they pre flower to finish them?


Do I use veg nutrients for there cycle or do I switch to flower nutients after they pre flower?

Thanks for all feed back in advance :peace:


Wow, Alomost 200 hundered views from children, yet not one person know's his or her stuff.



Well-Known Member
Wow, Alomost 200 hundered views from children, yet not one person know's his or her stuff.

OMG...did you just dis the fellow RIU members... because your impatient???? haha

Veg with your MH 1st month...then HPS for flower. Nute your autos like you do a regular non auto.

Look auto flowers...do what auto flowers do..

Is my advice any good...probably not.


Active Member
im no expert but i treat mine as i would a photoperiod plant except i keep the light cycle on 16/8, i have until now used only blue cfl's but i intend to add some red cfl's on the next grow. ive never used MH/HPS so i have little knowledge about those.

calling people pathetic for not answering your post isnt going to get many more replies and tbh im only posting cause im bored


Well-Known Member
Do you use mh light for the full cycle, or do you put them under hps light when they pre flower to finish them?
Neither. You will get the best results with 1000 Watt halogen bulbs about an inch above the plants.

I use veg nutrients for there cycle or do I switch to flower nutients after they pre flower?
The best nutrient is dog shit dissolved in water. Feed the plants twice a day.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
Wow, Alomost 200 hundered views from children, yet not one person know's his or her stuff.

um...there is an entire section of this very website dedicated to auto-flowering, and it's chock full of people who are up to their eyeballs in autos.

maybe instead of insulting the people from whom you are seeking help you could try browsing the entire site and using the search feature.

and i hardly think you are qualified to judge "who knows their stuff". sheesh.


Seems being a ass hole works the best on this forum. To bad I have no other use for the forum. People LOVE...to HATE more then share kind words.

Thanks, I got what I needed by a nice hippie and google of course.

I did enjoy the 1000 watt a inch away LOL.

Enjoy talking about how your stuff is the bomb and how to make killer soil :sleep:

Go fuck your self kids.