Lets talk Nute interaction: Calmag balance and Molybdenum deficiency,


Well-Known Member
I wanted to write this post to discuss the importance of how nutrients affect each other and to hopefully discover more underlying relations that create deficiencies, mainly cal mag since those are the most phinicky
rayshios r key 2 keyping nute lockout along with balanced ph. When I get a deficiency with a ph of 6.5, I know it's either locked out from too much/little of another nute, or the amount of the nute itself.
Say I give mag for a mag def, it could either feed the def or cause havoc with calmag. Cal needs to be 2-3x ppm as mag, otherwise they can lockout. Similar with all other nutes, too much sulphur could possibly be the reason for my MolyB def. Too much kelp=too much copper= causes Iron deficiency

I'm going to try and rewrite this article concisely with str8 up causes for each deficiency. Iron def can be caused by excess copper but what else? High ph? Too much manganese and boron? I love the detective work it takes to figure out why

My problem if anyone cares to investigate:
Rorollers I got a strain that consistently gets molybdenum deficiency the pinkish red looked like a beautiful pheno but think it's what I'm feeding.
Besides ph, groweed easy didn't mention much else. Lookin up MolyB online and article mentioned sulphur toxicity(fuck), I've been feeding ~ tsp each+/- gypsum epsom almost every water combating calmag def. 90% of their calmag is from epsom n gypsum and occasionally some calmag from Botanicare.
If you read all this you deserve a virtual high five :razz::peace:
Thats the kind of threads that dont get much replays..my postings is full of those threads!
Ill just throw my 2 cents in here so you dont get dissapointed if you dont get much reactions to ur thread..
(forgive my english, ill try to make it easy as possible)

When it comes to cal\mag and coco most ppl use regular standards in the US 5ml a gallon for RO water.

No body can give definitive answer on how much you need to use exactly as the strains needs is very different..

Also if you are not using RO you face the same probleem..


IN my first grow house my tap water is 240ppm I get alot of cal def!
So I need to use cal mag

My second grow house my tap water is 180ppm which I need to use epsom with each watering I give around 0.5 gram up to 0.7 grams for each 4 liters which raise my ppm to 250/260 on 500scale.

If I add cal mag, the mag def get worse!

So its really trial and fault,, what will work for you not by necessary will work for someone ealse..

When it comes to molyB, it is so rare def that it happenes only if your nutes is off or your PH is out of range!!

My 2 cents!
