lets talk worms! Bins, castings, techniques etc

Here's my worm bin. It has 250 red wrigglers its a mix of about 1/3 soil from the back yard ,2/3 coco ,and some perlite and alfalfa meal. They have been eating mostly tomatoes, watermelon and broccoli. Put some shredded cardboard on the bottom and corn husks on top so maybe they'll think its a bunch if leaves and hang out near the surface more often. Looking back its way too big for the amount of worms in there and the soil from the backyard makes it kinda heavy. I'll probably leave these guys in the bin until springtime when its time to get going on the next crop and scoop out the worms that I can and put the rest in the ground with all of this mixture. The worms that get scooped up will go into a new bin with some better materials in there


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@MustangStudFarm I have not been in the dynasty thread as of late but just checked it out. You have some nice looking plants over there! Hope you kept cuts!

Happy growing!
I came close to losing one lol. One of the Stardusters was a sleeper and I didn't think much of it, so I gave the clones to my cousin. Thankfully, he kept it alive and let me have it back but I feel completely dumb about it. Yes, I have clones of them haha. I also have 3x Bodhi packs coming along that are ready to clone and flower, the same seeds that I showed earlier in the thread. Lemon Wookie(V2?), Purple Wookie V3, and Magenta HP V2. It looks like Bodhi is actually starting to work his selection a little now instead of F1 crosses on everything. I had to go with Dynasty for a sativa, because everything in the Bodhi lineup is pretty heavy. Hopefully, I will be able to build a 20'x60' hoophouse in my backyard after this summer. It's not hard to get a commercial license in Okla and I don't need building permits where I live, so I should be able to do it fairly cheap.
I came close to losing one lol. One of the Stardusters was a sleeper and I didn't think much of it, so I gave the clones to my cousin. Thankfully, he kept it alive and let me have it back but I feel completely dumb about it. Yes, I have clones of them haha. I also have 3x Bodhi packs coming along that are ready to clone and flower, the same seeds that I showed earlier in the thread. Lemon Wookie(V2?), Purple Wookie V3, and Magenta HP V2. It looks like Bodhi is actually starting to work his selection a little now instead of F1 crosses on everything. I had to go with Dynasty for a sativa, because everything in the Bodhi lineup is pretty heavy. Hopefully, I will be able to build a 20'x60' hoophouse in my backyard after this summer. It's not hard to get a commercial license in Okla and I don't need building permits where I live, so I should be able to do it fairly cheap.

That would be sweet. One day I'll be there!

Just checked in on the african nightcrawlers and they have been staying busy at 70f just not as fast as the reds at this temp. When it hits 75f they really start to chew through it! Also threw some neem and barley in this am when I fed my reds to encourage a explosion of population. Worms are so fun! The women starting to think i love them more than her lol!

I'm going to say thanks again! Fucking kick ass thread! Happy growing!

This is my first outdoor grow, but I've been growing indoors for 9yrs now... Each shot is zoomed in a little closer on the same plant. It looks like we are getting freezing rain on Tuesday and it really sucks, I need a greenhouse... Dynasty seed's StarDuster...
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I see nothing wrong... other than I hope it holds out for you as far as weather goes lol. I wish you luck. New England weather sucks outdoor on the wrong strain, I do know that. Got to be selective in these parts!
Hold on...what!?!?
Colorado moving down to Okla by Tuesday
By the way, my comfrey arrived. Planting it tomorrow
The interesting thing about comfrey is that it propagates through the roots. Meaning that if you put it in a fabric pot and let the roots grow through to the ground, you will be able to lift the pot and place it in the next spot, and you will have new plants where the roots were left. Sorry, I just hit a big J and I don't know if I am making sense now. I heard of people hitting comfrey with their rototiller and it will just go nuts in that spot. So, be careful where you plant them because they are an invasive species.
Colorado moving down to Okla by Tuesday

The interesting thing about comfrey is that it propagates through the roots. Meaning that if you put it in a fabric pot and let the roots grow through to the ground, you will be able to lift the pot and place it in the next spot, and you will have new plants where the roots were left. Sorry, I just hit a big J and I don't know if I am making sense now. I heard of people hitting comfrey with their rototiller and it will just go nuts in that spot. So, be careful where you plant them because they are an invasive species.

I got my 6 crown cuts of comfrey bocking 14 yesterday as well. You are VERY VERY VERY RIGHT about where you plant. It will fuck your yard up if you rototill it up. I got them for a respectable top dress and to be more self sustainable as for as my worm bin goes.

Both my reds and africans have ate through about 1cf of compost in 3 weeks! Prob 3/4cf once sifted down (still impressed). COM LOBSTER COMPOST has alot of sticks in it. I will use the chips for a mulch etc. I can't wait to use some! They have a better diet than I do. More expensive to lol.

Happy growing!
They have a better diet than I do. More expensive to lol.
This shouldn't be though. I pride myself on spending very little on my inputs, it's what drives me to go bigger. I think that I can have lower overhead cost and better product than 90% of people in Oklahoma... I'll show you my embarrassing overgrown weeds in my yard. I bet my neighbors think that I'm just one lazy dude, but I've been growing these weeds out on purpose. Hopefully, my nephew comes and helps me pull these tomorrow.

Here is a little 2 story guest house that I built. It's overgrown with weeds, but these are Lambsquarter which I value over comfrey because it has a good amount of manganese. My compost is always low in manganese, so this was a huge score for me. I just had to stop mowing my grass in certain areas lol.

These are known as "Tall ragweed" and they are starting to bloom. So, I need to get them down quick. I don't exactly know what they are good for, but they are tall and deep rooting plants. They gotta have something good going on. If nothing else, they will be just as good as grass clippings.

The shit grows all up and down my road...

Just another shot of these weeds making me look lazy...
I got my 6 crown cuts of comfrey bocking 14 yesterday as well. You are VERY VERY VERY RIGHT about where you plant. It will fuck your yard up if you rototill it up. I got them for a respectable top dress and to be more self sustainable as for as my worm bin goes.

Both my reds and africans have ate through about 1cf of compost in 3 weeks! Prob 3/4cf once sifted down (still impressed). COM LOBSTER COMPOST has alot of sticks in it. I will use the chips for a mulch etc. I can't wait to use some! They have a better diet than I do. More expensive to lol.

Happy growing!
Again, I'm not trying to come off as a "know it all" or that I'm trying to talk down to you, I just wish the best for you. I agree that indoor growing can get expensive like buying Grokashi and EM1 type of things, but you can make these things at home. I don't know if you are into DIY stuff, but I feel like I am making all of my inputs now and it really helped with cost. I know that some people would rather spend money than to DIY, and that is understandable. My goal was to be able to make everything on site and be able to farm through a pandemic or other crisis. JADAM really helped me go in that direction. If you haven't seen Hyroot's thread, he was one of the original guys doing SIPs on here and he was using JADAM inputs in his SIPs. I now make JADAM fertilizer in 55gal barrels and I make it from the same plants that I took pictures of. The idea is that you can take invasive plants in your yard and turn them into fertilizer. He describes it as taking the vigor from one plant and adding it to the plants you want. The problem with JADAM is that a lot of it is not translated to English yet. There is Korean Natural Farming(KNF) which is Dr. Cho and then he has a son that developed JADAM. It's father and son, but JADAM is specifically for making due with what you have on hand. KNF uses brown sugar and people describe it as an orchestra while JADAM is rock-n-roll, loose with the rules and very effective.

Again, I'm not trying to come off as a "know it all" or that I'm trying to talk down to you, I just wish the best for you. I agree that indoor growing can get expensive like buying Grokashi and EM1 type of things, but you can make these things at home. I don't know if you are into DIY stuff, but I feel like I am making all of my inputs now and it really helped with cost. I know that some people would rather spend money than to DIY, and that is understandable. My goal was to be able to make everything on site and be able to farm through a pandemic or other crisis. JADAM really helped me go in that direction. If you haven't seen Hyroot's thread, he was one of the original guys doing SIPs on here and he was using JADAM inputs in his SIPs. I now make JADAM fertilizer in 55gal barrels and I make it from the same plants that I took pictures of. The idea is that you can take invasive plants in your yard and turn them into fertilizer. He describes it as taking the vigor from one plant and adding it to the plants you want. The problem with JADAM is that a lot of it is not translated to English yet. There is Korean Natural Farming(KNF) which is Dr. Cho and then he has a son that developed JADAM. It's father and son, but JADAM is specifically for making due with what you have on hand. KNF uses brown sugar and people describe it as an orchestra while JADAM is rock-n-roll, loose with the rules and very effective.

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TBH its more experimental than anything. I like yourself believe probiotic growing is the way to go. I always stretch my inputs out. For example for those who may use EM1.(if you did not know how). I buy a gallon of em1(bulk is cheaper) for $80 or so. I then take it and "extend it". Say a half gallon jar is what im making.

3oz em1 to 3oz organic mollasass (rest is water from clean source), after fermentation (imo 15 days min) you now have a half gallon of em1 for penny's. I use gro kashi kind of sparingly these days due to 2 row malt being much cheaper and the malt gives me the same effect BUT I use both as the kashi has never done me wrong. 55lb bag of 2 row malt is cheap in comparison lol... plus a huge part of my worms diet.

More of a start up cost expensive... my yield and quality ALWAYS justify cost. The comfrey and vermicompost will help me save even more long term.

We have chatted quite a bit and I value your opinion, even if we disagree (prob never). Even of we did, don't give a fuck all valuable info and helpful. Lots of organic BS online. I chat with whom I think do it correct and open to learn or take advice (myself included). I'm very happy where I'm at but never shut myself out from learning how others do things. Using what you have at your disposal is smart. I hope to hear not mowing your lawn works magic for you.... maybe I'll be on the hunt for some lol... i went with comfrey as I've used it. $28 for 6 crowns shipped. I can live with that. Cant wait to see your results!

Happy growing!
They have a better diet than I do. More expensive to lol.
This is what I got caught up on, our grocery bill is pretty high around here. So, when you compared plant food to human food, I saw $$$. I also have a full house with dogs and all of that, so food costs are high. I was picturing $500/mo... I get pretty stoned and get lost in my own thoughts too and they can be goofy. When I thought about this with a clear head, I felt kinda dumb.
Remember..... grokashi or probiotic grows are not proven yet lol. (Inside joke)
I'm coming for that ass too. People in Oklahoma don't know how to grow yet and can't even get good germination rates on their seeds. So, when they try to start a clone company from seed(State Law), they are missing all of the good genetics. The good genes to capture are the recessive genes and harder to capture. So, when you are only getting 50% or worse germination rates, your clones are not going to be the best representative of that seed pack. I was expecting a LOT more out of Bodhi clones. I got Cosmic Serpent, 2 different Dread Bread, DLA#6, Love Triangle, and they were all ass. I guess that I had higher expectations. If I had a clone store selling Bodhi clones, I would probably have the most popular clone store in OKC. I'm just missing start-up money, but that might change soon.

For now, I'm getting my next batch of compost ready. I practice what I preach, I was pulling weeds yesterday... Lambsquarter and Tall Ragweed(deep rooting). These were mostly over 6ft tall, so they should have minerals from deep in the earth.