Let's Try Again.


Well-Known Member
Actually that's exactly what I did. The cotyledons did not look fully matured yet (the tap root was larger than it looked btw) so I put a humidity chamber on it over night and today and took it off a few hours ago. The cotyledons have darkened up to the right green color and seem to be getting bigger. The plant tilted toward the light and looks like it is growing, so I think it might be all right. The other plant, on day 7 now, is looking beautiful. Starting to grow it's second set of real leaves. Will post pics tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Well here is my Big Bud plant on day 8 of it's life. looking green and beautiful. I made a CO2 generator and the plant has been loving it! Doubled in size today. Can't wait for tomorrow.



Well-Known Member
Okay some quick news, the plant that suddenly germinated rapidly is actually alive and doing well. One of the cotyledons died and the other grew twice it's size to compensate, lol, so it is nice and healthy. The other one which is on day 15 of it's life is about 2 inches taller and the second set (3 frond) leaves are coming in big and beautiful. The clone that looked like it was going to die actually rooted! I took off the top of the humidity chamber and stuck it under a light and it looks happy as can be.

More news and pictures to come soon.