Well-Known Member
Okay, so that video got me fired up. When are we gonna start planning crit's escape? I knew some pharmacy robbers once, they had a great smash-and-grab plan. Just roll right up to the place with a big ass truck, pulling a trailer, that has a wrecking ball sitting on it-pilot in chair, engine running. It should work, assuming no one gets squashed in the process.
Seriously tho, I know sometimes shit seems like its game over. Something cones along that's so bad, and so shitty that it feels like time iitself is about to stop. It might seem shitty now, but look at the facts-- you had two plants, for personal use. I'm sure the laws there can't be any more strict than where I live, BC where I live is one of the toughest in the country, and even I can't imagine a judge giving someone 6 months for something like this.
I dunno how the court system works down under, but up here, there's only one person you'll meet who has no one else above them except for God-- and that's a judge. Learn to kiss a judges ass, it really does work wonders.
I mean man, you are too nice of a guy-- cover those tats up, tell that judge exactly what he wants to hear, and get this shit behind you. I just feel so badly for you bro, BC I know how much it sucks. I'm looking at pulling 8-12 months for my shit (already went through 1 court and was given 10, I'm appealing it now). But you'll get through it man.
5 bucks says those cops that raided your shit waited for you to get out of the room and then said to each other, "daaaayum. These are some nice fucking plants! Somebody pinch me off a snapper, let's see how she tastes"
. GL bro.
Seriously tho, I know sometimes shit seems like its game over. Something cones along that's so bad, and so shitty that it feels like time iitself is about to stop. It might seem shitty now, but look at the facts-- you had two plants, for personal use. I'm sure the laws there can't be any more strict than where I live, BC where I live is one of the toughest in the country, and even I can't imagine a judge giving someone 6 months for something like this.
I dunno how the court system works down under, but up here, there's only one person you'll meet who has no one else above them except for God-- and that's a judge. Learn to kiss a judges ass, it really does work wonders.
I mean man, you are too nice of a guy-- cover those tats up, tell that judge exactly what he wants to hear, and get this shit behind you. I just feel so badly for you bro, BC I know how much it sucks. I'm looking at pulling 8-12 months for my shit (already went through 1 court and was given 10, I'm appealing it now). But you'll get through it man.
5 bucks says those cops that raided your shit waited for you to get out of the room and then said to each other, "daaaayum. These are some nice fucking plants! Somebody pinch me off a snapper, let's see how she tastes"