Letter to Joe Biden


King Tut
What are the political consequences of this? I can see funding irregularities suddenly developing ... cn
Right? That's the reason she chooses to cooperate in regards to local MJ law. Cooperate with the feds that is, not her constituents. (Our local sheriff)


Well-Known Member
is that why jan brewer was sucking obama cock for federal dollars the other day?

I wasnt aware of the blackmail that Obama and Sebeilus are using on AZ...

Either implement Obamacare or lose billions of dollars in funding...

Gotta love federal politics....


Well-Known Member
I wasnt aware of the blackmail that Obama and Sebeilus are using on AZ...

Either implement Obamacare or lose billions of dollars in funding...

Gotta love federal politics....
that must have been why the haggard old cunt jan brewer was so lovingly fellating obama's big black one the other day.


Well-Known Member
The feds can't enforce laws effectively without the cooperation of local law enforcement. Whether it is a pot plant or scary rifle, the odds are 100 to 1 that I run into a local law enforcement as opposed to federal agent.

Non enforcement of unconstitutional laws by local police is a step in the right direction. If the feds don't like medical marijuana let them try to arrest 250,000 state licensed growers and see what happens.

Next comes the power of the jury, which all too few people seem to understand. As a juror you can decide not only guilt or innocence, but the justness of the laws involved. That is the ultimate power granted to us by the constitution. One which far too many people ignore and brush off as an inconvenience.

Our government has been tainted by decades of corporate corruption. The intent of the constitution is pretty clear as far as the first 10 amendments go. It doesn't take a supreme court judge to see when things have gone horribly wrong.

Our government now blatantly does things which are obviously unconstitutional and then justifies it with absurd convolute reasoning. Killing random people with drones, detaining people without trial, intercepting internet communications, accessing email accounts without warrants, accessing gps data without warrants, I could go on and on, but anyone who hasn't seen evidence of these things is just plain blind or ignorant.

I'm not saying we should overthrough the government, merely drive out the corporate interests which now control it and systematically use it to loot the wealth of the country and further their own ends.