Hey d33p - again, this is only my 20th post so don't take anything I say serious. I think there are two issues here. First is the water. When people add water to "cook" their soil, they are providing a moist environment that will promote the activation and catalyzation for many of the reactions necessary for the limes, dolamites, worm castings, epsom salts...to do what they do best. Pure limes and salts are too concentrated to grow directly into, however after many weeks of mixing into a moist soil, they equilibrate into concentrations that are beneficial the soil matrix. The second issue, adding black strap molasses, is specifically to feed the microbial flora of the soil. The plants can't use the molasses, the bacteria, fungi, and protozoan within the soil use the molasses and replicate to enhance the growth of the roots. Some of what I say may be correct, the rest is me not knowing what I don't know. SOIL is key to your grow....that's the bottom line.