Levi's 09' outdoor grow blueprint (please lookover)


Well-Known Member
Hey guys...Im currently planning my 09' outdoor grow and was hoping some of you could look over my blue print (done with paint because im photoshop illiterate) and let me know anything you guys see wrong with it...This will be planted in my backyard and will be tended to at least daily.

I am planning on buying a whole lot of MG potting soil for this...I know some of you guys hate it, but I have used it indoors before with great results (except they turned out to be males :-()

The hole is going to be dug into my backyard dirt and be filled to the top with soil. The dimensions of this hole are 16' Wide by 14' Long by 3' deep. Will there be drainage issues with a hole that deep?

Do you guys see any reasons this wouldn't work? Or have any ideas that might make it even better?

Thanks Levi. :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
Anybody? The thing that concerns me the most is the MG soil...Will it work the same outdoor as it did indoor?


Well-Known Member
Ok so after doing some reading and some math I realized my hole is going to be 672 cubic feet...thats ALOT of soil....more than I had realized before...especially buying bags of soil that only hold 2 cubic feet.

So my next question is...What do I fill this hole with that wont cost over like $200, and will give my plants what they need to survive? I currently have just straight california dirt in my backyard thats rock hard and would be no good for planting in. Please help...


Active Member
ok in you dont need to rplc all the dirt with quality soil..... depending on how big you want them to get i would recomend burying a bucket and just fill that with the perferd soil. you can use any size buket you want but a ten gallon is fine and your plants wont need much more space than that. plus it will help you more acuretly fertilize the plants.

ps. i would leave abt and inch of the bucket sitting abv the ground and dont forget abt drainige


Well-Known Member
That sounds like it would work pretty good but I have read several things saying that plants grow bigger in the ground than in a pot...if thats true then I would rather them be in the ground.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm...I think I might just do that then...Do you know how many bags of soil it takes to fill a 10 gallon bucket? All the soil measurements are in cubic feet on the bags.


Active Member
i assume you are just growing the corn for cover..

if you dont already know, you need a LOT of corn rows to get a crop out of it


Well-Known Member
Yeah I just want a wall of corn so that if anyone walks into my backyard they see corn instead of the beautiful mommas behind them =-)