Liberal Lies On Health Care I


New Member
Ahhh there's that nasty word again...perception or is it comprehension?

When Rob said "it wasn't voluntary for the underwriters....that's US!!! The Taxpayer!



Well-Known Member
Ahhh there's that nasty word again...perception or is it comprehension?

When Rob said "it wasn't voluntary for the underwriters....that's US!!! The Taxpayer!

I know what he meant. Try pigeonholing someone else.


Well-Known Member
Healthcare for all... I wonder if you people who are so bent on not having healthcare for all have any family members right now who wants to go to the doctor but can't afford it... or family members who got denied because of pre-existing condition....or family member who got dropped off there coverage....I'm so glad President Obama is doing something about health care....and to those who say that it will not pass...are you the same ones that said President Obama will not win the election....Healthcare for all in the memory of Kennedy ( God bless you )...Oh yeah the best health care I ever recieved was when I was in the USAF ( I think that is a part of the goverment last time I checked )


Well-Known Member
If you knew what he meant... we're back to comprehension.

The taxpayer system is NOT voluntary..... no pigeonholing necessary.
The taxpayer system IS voluntary! In order for me to be taxed, it takes an act of volition on my part. I actively choose to be taxed. That's the Constitution baby!


Healthcare for all in the memory of Kennedy ( God bless you )...Oh yeah the best health care I ever recieved was when I was in the USAF ( I think that is a part of the goverment last time I checked )
Exactly... it should fail in memory of Ted Kennedy, prime example, he would have never lived so long if he was forced to rely on government ran healthcare. He would be far too old to be eligible for anything other than End of life counceling.


Well-Known Member
Exactly... it should fail in memory of Ted Kennedy, prime example, he would have never lived so long if he was forced to rely on government ran healthcare. He would be far too old to be eligible for anything other than End of life counceling.
You're laughable. I'm literally laughing right now.


Well-Known Member
Exactly... it should fail in memory of Ted Kennedy, prime example, he would have never lived so long if he was forced to rely on government ran healthcare. He would be far too old to be eligible for anything other than End of life counceling.
Wow... stupidity at its finest:clap:


New Member
The taxpayer system IS voluntary! In order for me to be taxed, it takes an act of volition on my part. I actively choose to be taxed. That's the Constitution baby!
Right! And why not voluntarily chose NOT to pay your taxes and find out what the true meaning of the word "voluntary" means. :lol:


New Member
Right! And why not voluntarily chose NOT to pay your taxes and find out what the true meaning of the word "voluntary" means. :lol:

Liberal dictionary *.....

Voluntary - An action which takes place when all other options have been taken away by the Govt.

* every definition, by definition, has the word Govt. in it somewhere.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
The taxpayer system IS voluntary! In order for me to be taxed, it takes an act of volition on my part. I actively choose to be taxed. That's the Constitution baby!
If a person actively chose not to pay taxes and there were no repercussions, it would be voluntary.

Voluntary implies freedom of choice and spontaniety without external compulsion. Prison is external compulsion. All semantics aside that's common sense baby!


New Member
If you were to raise the "voluntary issue" with an IRS tax auditor, he/she is trained to say: "Of course paying taxes is voluntary, just as you voluntarily stop at stop signs."


Well-Known Member
I don't understand how hard everyone fights that everything in life is voluntary. Nothing is stopping us from trying to do whatever we want to do ever. Even if we are handcuffed and held down we can still fight to try to get away, might not do any good, but you can try.

There is a difference between having a choice and not having consequences.


Well-Known Member
I don't understand how hard everyone fights that everything in life is voluntary. Nothing is stopping us from trying to do whatever we want to do ever. Even if we are handcuffed and held down we can still fight to try to get away, might not do any good, but you can try.

There is a difference between having a choice and not having consequences.
Yep. On the most primitive and base level of existence, we are all so damn free! It's the most liberating aspect of our condition here on this earth. It's impossible to deny this freedom unless you believe in a scripted theology. We are free to do as we please - I can murder, maim, move, fly, die, etc.....

So you can choose to pay taxes or not. You can choose to remain here - you can choose to go. I understand our system quite well - I believe that tacit consent is mostly bullshit, nothing but a contrived and complicated plan to subordinate. And it sucks when someone forces you to pay taxes. We live in a country with consequences, but you're still indubitably free, philosophically speaking.