Liberals on the attack of recreational marijuana.

"The Cleveland transplant said that he hasn't always felt unsafe in the neighborhood, but recent drug-laced and violent incidents — including people with bats and weapons at times — has him worried about SoMa."

Drug addicts and violent criminals, the whole lot of them.

How many homeless have you personally taken off the street? Go grab one right now and let them sleep on your couch. Then let us all know how that works out for you.

I think you may be too dumb to understand the problem of homelessness. Here is a direct link to the HUD study since you don't trust a homelessness advocacy blog to summarize it for you:

My family has taken in a dozen or so struggling youth and elderly in our community. My wife's family has done the same. I already know you're an entitled, narcissitic worthless piece of shit so of course you haven't done a damn thing.
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I now people in their 20's living off the government's tit not because they can't work because they can have children and collect a bunch of free money and food stamps and still work under the table. Only homeless people I ever met are junkie's, crackheads and alcoholics they choose to live that way.

Even under Obama and Bill Clinton.... They can't be helped but none go hungry they all know about the food pantry.
While it's not surprising you are in the orbit of people like that, they are the remote exceptions, not the rule. Sadly, a small number of people will always try to game the system and they tend to stick together. I know no one like that. Imagine that.
While it's not surprising you are in the orbit of people like that, they are the remote exceptions, not the rule. Sadly, a small number of people will always try to game the system and they tend to stick together. I know no one like that. Imagine that.
The thing the morons don't realise is that for every one person "gaming the system" there's probably 5 children somewhere else who's parents aren't getting enough work that are going to bed with dinner in their stomach as a result of the system.

I'd rather have a few people game it if it means it's there for people who need it.

We should call the right windgers hypochristians cos Jesus wouldn't like em very much.
The thing the morons don't realise is that for every one person "gaming the system" there's probably 5 children somewhere else who's parents aren't getting enough work that are going to bed with dinner in their stomach as a result of the system.

I'd rather have a few people game it if it means it's there for people who need it.
Exactly! Starving children to punish a very few undeserving adults is not even within the realm of moral or ethical. It's mean spirited and bitter, period!
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I think you may be too dumb to understand the problem of homelessness. Here is a direct link to the HUD study since you don't trust a homelessness advocacy blog to summarize it for you:

My family has taken in a dozen or so struggling youth and elderly in our community. My wife's family has done the same. I already know you're an entitled, narcissitic worthless piece of shit so of course you haven't done a damn thing.

So you've personally never done anything? Got it.
Shut the fuck up, moron. Obama could only have dreamt of getting the situation in 2016 handed over to him instead of the 2008 turd the last republican asshole handed over. You really are too stupid for words. Thirty-four and dumber than a bag of hammers.
Aren't you glad that Obama was the one who took over? Imagine if it had been McCain and Palin. Or Trump and whatever his lickspittle VP is called.
"My family ..."
"My wife's family ..."

You've never done anything, personally, to help anyone. You're riding on the coattails of others.

So your argument is that if one person pitches in but alone doesn't have the resources to meet every need of the entire homeless community then they are a hypocrite when it comes to helping the needy? Be gone retarded snitch bitch.

Does your family include you? Because my family includes me. You are a waste of air.
So your argument is that if one person pitches in but alone doesn't have the resources to meet every need of the entire homeless community then they are a hypocrite when it comes to helping the needy? Be gone retarded snitch bitch.

Does your family include you? Because my family includes me. You are a waste of air.

You spend your spare time here. You aren't helping anyone.