Libertarianism makes you stupid

I'm from California and now live in Southern Illinois.
I just got an invite from the V.A. to be a paid poll worker.
I just called my County Offices here and I found out Illinois is either the last or one of the very last to define Poll Workers as partisan.
Yes that is right there isn't any non-partizan poll workers here in the State of Illinois.

Those old bones still rattle.

Well I am an American so I have the idea that we are working for a "More Perfect Union."
Does that mean the States should get along as in the old Slave v Free or has it morphed into human rights?
The battle has always been between state's rights versus basic human and constitutional rights, women are just the latest victims. It stated out as we don't want no yankee telling us how to treat "our" N-------s and expanded from there in scope to include others they did not like and includes Jews and used to include Catholics. The tried and true methods of voter suppression and election cheating that became a tradition in the south has spread like a cancer through the republican party thanks to Trump. They are not playing politics, that requires good will and honest intentions, they are at civil war with the founding ethos of America and democrats are the enemy. Black people have become the backbone of the democratic party and sit at the seat of power, which is why they are not on the streets protesting much, nobody is going to compromise with the racist republicans by throwing them under the bus, not any more.
I'm from California and now live in Southern Illinois.
I just got an invite from the V.A. to be a paid poll worker.
I just called my County Offices here and I found out Illinois is either the last or one of the very last to define Poll Workers as partisan.
Yes that is right there isn't any non-partizan poll workers here in the State of Illinois.

Those old bones still rattle.

Well I am an American so I have the idea that we are working for a "More Perfect Union."
Does that mean the States should get along as in the old Slave v Free or has it morphed into human rights?
by "get along" do you mean the better educated, more industrialized, wealthier, healthier, blue states continue to put up with the regressive weak ass poor red states continuing to try to undermine the structure of America, while taking federal money so their shitty states don't collapse completely? just like it's been since the civil war? i think it would be a good idea to cut off aid from states that repress their citizens, then when they go into default, they become subject to federal appears to be the only way a few of them will ever be able to lift themselves out of widespread poverty
by "get along" do you mean the better educated, more industrialized, wealthier, healthier, blue states continue to put up with the regressive weak ass poor red states continuing to try to undermine the structure of America, while taking federal money so their shitty states don't collapse completely? just like it's been since the civil war? i think it would be a good idea to cut off aid from states that repress their citizens, then when they go into default, they become subject to federal appears to be the only way a few of them will ever be able to lift themselves out of widespread poverty
Yep win the house and senate, then tie transfer payments to voting and human rights compliance. It you ain't civilized we will civilize you! Some of these red states are a disgrace to the human race, much less the United States, conducting constant civil war on minorities, even genocide in mostly black and democratic Jackson Mi by refusing to spend plenty of federal money given to them for infrastructure on clean water for citizens in the city. It's a fucking crime against humanity, states rights be damned, the UN should prosecute the bastards, if the USA can't protect it's citizens from systematic organized hatred better than that than that. It's a fucking conspiracy and should be federally prosecuted as such, fuck states eights give the governor and the republicans responsible 20 years for criminal conspiracy to defraud the citizens of Jackson. You need to deal with this states rights bullshit once and for all, even if you have to pack the court with 30 year old flaming liberal women. Put it in the grave wrapped in the stars and bars.
Yeah but he'll whoop your candy ass, lol :lol:

Joe Rogan?

He got hit the head a lot, whether or not that explains his attraction to libertarianism is up in the air. It’s a solid hypothesis though, CTE is a real condition.
Do you think ALL libertarians are brain damaged? Maybe.
In this subforum, libertarian seems less a choice and more a diagnosis.

Roger had a point earlier: I think the title is a bit backward. Cart/horse and all.

Stupid is a necessary but not sufficient condition for being libertarian.
Does being a libertarian make you write really long nonsensical thread titles because the thread itself lacks substance? IM JUST asking questions.

There is no causal link between being a libertarian and writing long nonsensical thread titles.
