Liberty Caps! Found on Vancuver Island

found these in my yard yesterday!
Wiki picture

after half an hour in my yard, i found these beauties less then 50ft from my house!
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i highly recommend that anyone in the westcoast check for these! they were everywhere around my area! any damp, north sloped un-cut grass (6"+) like on the roadside, or on the border of garden beds or almost anywhere!
much more info in my grow journal, in my signature

any thoughts?
happy friday!

Although i am not particularly fond of the high, congrads, there is something extra special about encountering gold simply because you had the eye to do so.
Northwestern bells will grow in matted grass and have no need for manure. Furthermore, many grass seed companies inadvertantly contaminate (if that is the word) their seeds with spores and turf companies will sell acres of turf that have been well grown through with mycelium, perfect, perfect perfect conditions for this species, plenty of water, plenty of fertilized thatch, and they roll great strips of that stuff and ship it all over the country. I have friends who forage (if that is the word) exclusively on turf farms in the early morning. They say that on a day where conditions are right and you have the distinction, you can see the little critters in the thousands in every directon.

I believe them.
must have had some cows up there @ one time or another.
lucky you, enjoy

thank you,

when i was on the wikipedia, i found this bit of cool info


" Psilocybe semilanceata is a saprobic fungus, meaning it obtains nutrients by breaking down organic matter. The mushroom grows solitarily or in groups on the ground, typically in fields and pastures. It is often found in fields that have been fertilized with sheep or cow dung, although it does not typically grow directly on the dung. The mushroom is also associated with sedges in moist areas of fields,[SUP][22][/SUP] and it is thought to live on the decaying root remains.[SUP][34][/SUP][SUP][35][/SUP] Like some other grassland species such as P. mexicana, P. tampanensis and Conocybe cyanopus, P. semilanceata may form sclerotia, a dormant form of the fungus, which affords it some protection from wildfires and other natural disasters.[SUP][36][/SUP] "

as far as i know there have never been livestock on my property, but there is plenty of decaying bush and grass roots and such because i recently cleared alot of ground.
i was also finding them on peoples Tile Beds and places of the like. behind a boat that had been recently been pulled out of the water there was big cluster!
i have been finding them everywhere, between cabins at work, around tennis courts, anywhere the grass meets the bushes there seem to be some, even the school field had a TON of them!

so even if you have no livestock around it is still worth taking a look!

happy days everyone,

Although i am not particularly fond of the high, congrads, there is something extra special about encountering gold simply because you had the eye to do so.[/QUOTY
You are not fond of mushroom high or THC? You got me confused... I thought you grew shrooms...that is your sticky in HS ...weird man
im not sure what your refering to,
but i ate a few dozen little ones and got pretty toasted, lol

Nor am I. Blot test? Once you know what bells look like, when their season is and their habits, they are pretty unmistakeable, it is the pellicle that is the biggest clue.
Looks like two poodles kissing...quick..move this to dominate the rap jack!!..great topic!..
Hope the shrooms keep flowing dude..looks like you got a nice careful and safe!! Happy trails!
SPOREPRINTS! FTW! goodshit mang! I would make some tea with em myself!

thanks man,
what should i do with the spores once they are on the paper? how do you store them correctly?

tea is one of my favorite ways to eat mushies, other then that i really like them in chocolate or fresh :-P
they are currently dehydrating at buddy`s place, gonna do a potency test once they be nice and dry.

happy weekend!

Now see ya got me there storage means info has slipped my mind tbh my mang, luckily someone will no doubt have this info prob canndo im thinking has a valid option for this.
Although i am not particularly fond of the high, congrads, there is something extra special about encountering gold simply because you had the eye to do so.[/QUOTY
You are not fond of mushroom high or THC? You got me confused... I thought you grew shrooms...that is your sticky in HS ...weird man

Bells are too speedy for me, too teeth grinding, they are definiately composed of different stuff than cubensis or mexicna. I simply don't like them as muchas some other species.

They are rather poetent little suckers.
thanks man,
what should i do with the spores once they are on the paper? how do you store them correctly?

tea is one of my favorite ways to eat mushies, other then that i really like them in chocolate or fresh :-P
they are currently dehydrating at buddy`s place, gonna do a potency test once they be nice and dry.

happy weekend!


Make sure the paper is dry, the caps tend to impart some moisture to the paper. Fold the paper in half so the print is covered. Tape it together and put it in a zip lock bag. Put on another bag and store in a cool dark place. They will remain viable for years.

Try to keep them from becoming contaminated, move as quikly as you can after you have the print.