Life insurance for a stoner

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
So it's about that time for me to get life insurance. I am married and we are trying to have a baby. I don't want to leave my wife or children with no place to live and lots of bills to pay, so I need a life insurance policy.

Does anyone have any insight or wisdom they can impart on me? How did you get life insurance? What company did you go through? How much do you pay, and what are the details of your policy (term life, when you got it, cost, how did you address the pot smoking)? Tell me your stories.

One of the issues I have is that I have told all my doctors that I smoke marijuana. Everyone has always advised me to be 100% honest with my doctor, because everything you tell your dr is confidential and will be in my best interest. However now I am finding out it is only confidential so long as you don't apply for life insurance. Part of the application process is waiving your right to confidentiality with medical records - the insurance company wants access to your medical records, and if you told your dr you smoke pot it may be listed there in black and white. Totally confidential and in my best interest my ass. I should have never mentioned it to any of my doctors as it was completely unrelated to anything I was going in for, the only reason I told them was that I was lulled into a false sense of security that it was confidential and will in no way ever affect me in the future and could only help me by being honest.

If I lie and say I never smoked and they discover that I did when they check my records I will get either flat out denied or my rates will be bumped up to tobacco smokers rates. What is worse is that this will be reported to the MIB group (,_Inc.) which is like a credit rating database except it contains your medical information for insurance purposes. So if I get busted lying to one life insurance company, it goes into that database, and all other life insurance companies will know about it. So what I tell one life insurance company is not confidential. Not even close to confidential. I would essentially be black listed and they ALL will deny me or charge me smoking rates for a failed drug test, or them discovering I lied on my application.

If I tell the truth and say I have done illicit drugs in the past (ie smoking marijuana) then I will also be flat out denied or my rates will be bumped to tobacco smoker rates. This is also reported to the MIB group.

If I lie and they don't catch it, but I die within the first 2 years of the policy, then they will launch an investigation, and will almost certainly turn up that I am a marijuana smoker and have gone to a dr specifically to get my medical card in my state.

This all seems like a bunch of bullshit. I had no idea the true lack of privacy you have to subject yourself to in order to obtain life insurance. I must have read 100 different web pages before I encountered one that mentioned the MIB group. They seem to be somewhat secretive of it and the general population seems to have no idea about it. At least I didn't, and neither did anyone I talked to about the matter (including several people working in the insurance industry[to be fair they don't work with life insurance though]).

If I lie and they don't catch it, and I live past the 2 year contestability period I am home free. As far as I know they can't deny my claim at that point even if they want to. Even if I blatantly committed fraud on my application, and used a doppelganger to take my blood test and urine test so my HIV, irregular glucose levels, and copious amount of drug metabolites don't show up, once I am past that 2 year period the policy is set in stone. At least that is my understanding of how the contestability period works.

At this point I have been not smoking for approximately a week. I am such a heavy user though that I will be paranoid to take my piss test at any point. Even after 30 days, I have a low chance of failing the drug test for THC, but if I do the consequences are drastic. I will get denied, or get significantly higher rates (like 4X), and also have it reported to the MIB so all other insurance companies will know about it.

As of now I am leaning toward finding a company that is lenient toward pot smoking and will give a smoker a non-smoker rate as long as they smoke infrequently (like less than 2x a mo) and can piss clean. Then I will substitute my friend's clean piss as my own for good measure. Then I am covered if they discover I smoked in the past (I will not have lied about it except for the frequency - which how can they possibly prove I lied about that?).


Well-Known Member
I can't give you all the details you need, but here's my experience:
10 yrs ago a good friend died and he had no LI, married and 2 kids. Fortunately his wife was very well employed, so on the finances it wasn't a big problem. Got me to thinking so I tried to increase mine through my work. I was in my early 50's, smoked cigs for 30+ years. Answered all the questions (phone interview); said I had smoked pot when young but stopped when I was around 30. Get notified it was denied, there was an option to get it re-considered and be told if denied. Long and short, I was denied again and it was because I had once been a weed smoker, cigs would have only caused higher rate. I waited a few years and tried again through AARP....that worked, but I denied ever smoking weed.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member

I am only 30 years old so no AARP for me. I don't want to lie because I am afraid they will get my medical records and the dr will have written down that I admitted to marijuana use, or worse they will find out I am a medical patient and went to a couple marijuana-only clinics/doctors. Or even worse is that they don't discover it, I die within 2 years, and they launch a more thorough investigation and then discover it and deny my wife and child the payout. And I won't have anything to say about it because I would be dead.


Well-Known Member
I think you'll be looking at a blood test for most policies. I've signed up for life insurance a couple times but always canceled when they called to schedule the blood test. Anybody know if THC is being screened for on a typical life insurance blood test?


Well-Known Member
They forced me to get an insurance as a requisite of being an active professional in the field of mental health.


Well-Known Member
I too pondered this recently! More insight would be splendid! I can't lie about cannBis, it's recorded somewhere that I have smoked in the past!


Well-Known Member
Don't ever tell an insurance company you smoke now or ever in your lifetime. It will end up on you MIB file and unlike your credit file it never comes off. You will be hard pressed to find life insurance anywhere and I suspect it will affect your ability to get cheap health insurance. Since your MIB file can be accessed by many companies it's inevitable that one day you will be kicking yourself for admitting to smoking weed. it happened to me and I admitted to smoking twenty years ago. On my file it states I smoked within the past five years. You can't have the information removed you can only add a statement onto your file.


Well-Known Member
Assuming the worst happened and I died, I wouldn't want them fucking over my wife for the payout because I lied, If they investigated my criminal record, surely would show possession charges and failed THC drug tests!


Virtually Unknown Member
I wonder if it would be worthwhile talking with an attorney that specializes in litigation against insurance companies when they deny payment because of issues like this? His perspective might help with a decision.


Well-Known Member
Ya know, I fucking hate Tort law, but, I think if a someone paid the premiums and they were accepted; and later sumthin fucked up. Then a beneficiary may have a case regardless.

The Ins Co had your money to work with

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
I think you'll be looking at a blood test for most policies. I've signed up for life insurance a couple times but always canceled when they called to schedule the blood test. Anybody know if THC is being screened for on a typical life insurance blood test?
The blood test is for diseases. They don't want you to take out a policy if you have HIV or some other disease. The blood test is NOT for drugs. Your blood is clean of all drug metabolites after 48 hours anyway, so this is a non issue (assuming you can stop for 2 days - which I already have).

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Don't ever tell an insurance company you smoke now or ever in your lifetime. It will end up on you MIB file and unlike your credit file it never comes off. You will be hard pressed to find life insurance anywhere and I suspect it will affect your ability to get cheap health insurance. Since your MIB file can be accessed by many companies it's inevitable that one day you will be kicking yourself for admitting to smoking weed. it happened to me and I admitted to smoking twenty years ago. On my file it states I smoked within the past five years. You can't have the information removed you can only add a statement onto your file.
Information in the MIB is purged after 7 years. This does me no good though because I would have to go 7+ years with no insurance, and then pay much higher premiums once my MIB is cleared. I want to lock in my 25 year term while I am relatively young and healthy.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Ya know, I fucking hate Tort law, but, I think if a someone paid the premiums and they were accepted; and later sumthin fucked up. Then a beneficiary may have a case regardless.

The Ins Co had your money to work with
No. If you lie on your application it is called "material misrepresentation" and they will deny the claim and refund any premiums paid. This only applies for the first 2 years though during what is called the "contestability period", where they can contest the policy. If you lie in any way on your application, or commit fraud like substitution, they can rescind the policy and return the premiums. After the 2 year period they cannot though. As long as you live past the 2 year mark you are golden and the policy is pretty much set in stone. But if I had any guarantee of living I wouldn't need life insurance, would I?


Well-Known Member
R u sure about that guy? Last I applied for life ins it was still there. I hope ur right though. I'll definitely look into it.
Edit..ur right. I just looked it up on their website. Best news I heard all day...thx.glad u bumped into this thread


Well-Known Member
The blood test is for diseases. They don't want you to take out a policy if you have HIV or some other disease. The blood test is NOT for drugs. Your blood is clean of all drug metabolites after 48 hours anyway, so this is a non issue (assuming you can stop for 2 days - which I already have).
I stopped smoking for two days back in the 90s so I know I could do it again if I had to! Thanks for the information, I will look into insurance again. Please let us know what company you decide to go with and how it all goes.


Active Member
So it's about that time for me to get life insurance. I am married and we are trying to have a baby. I don't want to leave my wife or children with no place to live and lots of bills to pay, so I need a life insurance policy.

Does anyone have any insight or wisdom they can impart on me? How did you get life insurance? What company did you go through? How much do you pay, and what are the details of your policy (term life, when you got it, cost, how did you address the pot smoking)? Tell me your stories.

One of the issues I have is that I have told all my doctors that I smoke marijuana. Everyone has always advised me to be 100% honest with my doctor, because everything you tell your dr is confidential and will be in my best interest. However now I am finding out it is only confidential so long as you don't apply for life insurance. Part of the application process is waiving your right to confidentiality with medical records - the insurance company wants access to your medical records, and if you told your dr you smoke pot it may be listed there in black and white. Totally confidential and in my best interest my ass. I should have never mentioned it to any of my doctors as it was completely unrelated to anything I was going in for, the only reason I told them was that I was lulled into a false sense of security that it was confidential and will in no way ever affect me in the future and could only help me by being honest.

If I lie and say I never smoked and they discover that I did when they check my records I will get either flat out denied or my rates will be bumped up to tobacco smokers rates. What is worse is that this will be reported to the MIB group (,_Inc.) which is like a credit rating database except it contains your medical information for insurance purposes. So if I get busted lying to one life insurance company, it goes into that database, and all other life insurance companies will know about it. So what I tell one life insurance company is not confidential. Not even close to confidential. I would essentially be black listed and they ALL will deny me or charge me smoking rates for a failed drug test, or them discovering I lied on my application.

If I tell the truth and say I have done illicit drugs in the past (ie smoking marijuana) then I will also be flat out denied or my rates will be bumped to tobacco smoker rates. This is also reported to the MIB group.

If I lie and they don't catch it, but I die within the first 2 years of the policy, then they will launch an investigation, and will almost certainly turn up that I am a marijuana smoker and have gone to a dr specifically to get my medical card in my state.

This all seems like a bunch of bullshit. I had no idea the true lack of privacy you have to subject yourself to in order to obtain life insurance. I must have read 100 different web pages before I encountered one that mentioned the MIB group. They seem to be somewhat secretive of it and the general population seems to have no idea about it. At least I didn't, and neither did anyone I talked to about the matter (including several people working in the insurance industry[to be fair they don't work with life insurance though]).

If I lie and they don't catch it, and I live past the 2 year contestability period I am home free. As far as I know they can't deny my claim at that point even if they want to. Even if I blatantly committed fraud on my application, and used a doppelganger to take my blood test and urine test so my HIV, irregular glucose levels, and copious amount of drug metabolites don't show up, once I am past that 2 year period the policy is set in stone. At least that is my understanding of how the contestability period works.

At this point I have been not smoking for approximately a week. I am such a heavy user though that I will be paranoid to take my piss test at any point. Even after 30 days, I have a low chance of failing the drug test for THC, but if I do the consequences are drastic. I will get denied, or get significantly higher rates (like 4X), and also have it reported to the MIB so all other insurance companies will know about it.

As of now I am leaning toward finding a company that is lenient toward pot smoking and will give a smoker a non-smoker rate as long as they smoke infrequently (like less than 2x a mo) and can piss clean. Then I will substitute my friend's clean piss as my own for good measure. Then I am covered if they discover I smoked in the past (I will not have lied about it except for the frequency - which how can they possibly prove I lied about that?).
I fell alseep half way thru this jibber jabber

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
I'm sorry but it is a complicated subject with many caveats and significant ramifications. Thank you for adding some substance to my thread though.