Life story in pictures - and a novel way to identifing the issues

Emerald Isles

Active Member
I've provide my story (issue) in picture format to see if you guy can identify the problem with me given all the gory details ..

Some basic info perhaps..

Same set up for over a year, i.e. soil nutrients and lights ( 2 x 600 hps) never encountered such discolouring and leave dying off during this time,

Major issues is ''the lack of growth'', the buds seems ok from the pictures but don't be fouled, they are no bigger than a writing pen, I've checked ... they are 42 days or more and during the whole period i have continuously removed dead leaves every day,

From the photo's you really cant see all the yellowing on every plant, some worse than others

Veg room is seem fine with no signs of stress,

however, once i commence the flowering period they starting yellowing and dyeing off, the 2 most recent babies are now loosing there leave,

I purchased iron supplement on Monday and starting feeding them but there is no sign of any improvements.....

Anyone got an ideas from the picture what may be the issue ....


Emerald Isles

Active Member
cheers bunstinky .... but i can't really agree, pic 4 you will see she hasn't increased in size for nearly a month now and most of the others are of similar size and situation, ..... I have lost nearly every fan leaf on every planet thus far .... any idea why this would happen?


Well-Known Member
personally i dont thinkn you need to flush at all..........
what type of soil are you using? Is it a rich soil?? basically your plants vegging are fine you say... that is because they are using the nutes in the soil... and you


Well-Known Member
.... once you set those plants in the flowering room... they will need you to feed them after about a week..... so i dont think you are over doing it on ferts.... (which would mean you need to flush)... i think they are lacking something...
try giving them some bio grow 1ml/liter of water in the flowering phase ... to get rid of the N deficiency that looks like it might be starting up, and give them some mollasses to cover the magnesium iron and calcium they need...
be carefull not to be spraying too much leaf coat, and if you do make sure its not during the day period... especially under a 600hps.. itll burn your leaves.......... It is extremely hard to nute burn plants using organic befor you flush try compensating whats missing... and if thats not good then you can always flush later... but if you dont think my solution might work ...try contacting people like kushcanuck or ... someone else thats got good reps on RIU to give you an opinion....
OH i also noticed you are using canna's pk 13-14 ...... be carfull with that.. your better off getting yourself some good guano and making tea..... if you are burning your plants its coming from the pk 13_14 .....
well there you go....
I really gave your plants a good look and a long thought ....
i dont think you need to flush......
another solution would be to just give it bio grow 2 times a week, bio bloom 2 times a week, and whatever super bloom you decide to use... but dont mix too many products....u wont get better results....:)
till that time
keep them greeen, IN LOVE & LIGHT
PEACE Jah....


Well-Known Member
The 3rd last pic shows your temp/humidity gauge and it looks like maybe the last number on there is humidity. There's a leaf in the way but it looks like 60 or maybe 80 which would seem very high considering that the lights are on. Can you clarify?
I've not heard of any probs other than bud rot with high humidity but I notice that in my grow I have around 40% with lights on and over 70% with them off, so if your start point is 60% then you could be over 90% with them off. This may be affecting things although I couldn't explain why.
User floridasucks has a thread about his beautiful spider Querkle in the toke n talk section and he has some herb in his spider tank which is kept at 80% humidity. Not wishing to diss him but those plants seem a touch yellow too (sorry fs).
Maybe try keeping the extraction system & fans running during the dark to minimise upward fluctuations.
Only a suggestion. Hope you sort it out.

Emerald Isles

Active Member
Thanks everyone so far for your input and advise ...

Pictures are from the veg room and one of the girls from there, soil is the same I've been using for ages..

I use the PK13/14 sparingly but thanks for the advise..

this situation as never happened before, started around Christmas time with my last lot and continued into this grow ...

keep coming with any advise, it's much appreciated everyone


Emerald Isles

Active Member
they pictures were taken when the lights were off ... it's normally 27-28c with 25% humidity .. drops to about 16c at night and 60% humidity


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
your being a worry wort. every thing looks great. i see nothing that would concern me if it was my grow. you doing a great job.

Emerald Isles

Active Member
I do hope so mygirls,... however my concerns is based mostly on the size or each baby, ignoring the yellowing for a moment ... they haven't grown no where near my previous girls and seem about 3 weeks behind . i average 28grams or 1ounce per plant but these look like i won't get 10grams ... there actually very small. the pictures don't suggest this but believe me they are ..... and then every fan leave has fallen off during this time ... surely this would indicate i have an issue somewhere


Active Member
Hey man, its been pretty cold weather here off and on and my babs havent really progressed much either, so am thinking it just might be a temp problem, I know when the weather got milder my plants progressed a lot. I cant be running the heat 24/7 so the temps are up and down and more down for longer in the cold spells. But they look great dude.

Steady as she goes
