Light bleach or Heat burn?


Active Member
Looking for confirmation on what this problem is.

plant is in veg half way between a 600w and 400w MH, the part shown however is the furthest from the lights, and the rest of the plant looks mostly fine so it doesnt make sense to me.

- growing in coir using DM gold
- 68-77 degrees
- 50-60% humidity



Active Member
It very well could be I must have skipped over that one yesterday (was looking at the chart on my phone)

underfeed does go along with a couple of my other plants looking like N and K deficiency.

Guess ill give em a boost today and report back later, I know these super lemon haze like to eat but damn! already at like 1250 ppm

thanks for the reply


Well-Known Member
if your at 1250ppm then it is not under feeding. If anything you need to drop the ppms some.


Active Member
normally I would think the same but with these nutes and strain it has handled upwards of 1600 before, my grand daddy purps use less though. maybe I will just feed more to one and less to another and see what happens