Light Burn


Well-Known Member
A couple of days ago one of my plants grew into the light and burnt the top cola and the surrounding leaves. I know it was a stupid thing to let happen but I had to work and didn't have time to check before I left. Anyway will the burnt part regenerate or should I cut it off? I'll post a couple of pics shortly.


Well-Known Member
Tying it down is an option, although there is limited space under the light. That was my second option with letting it go being the first and cutting it off the last.


Well-Known Member
i had this happen. don't cut it off...

it will not regenerate, however, it seems to work like topping in veg would, the main cola stops growing, and just matures and thickens, and the lats get much bigger. i've done this once on accident, and three times on purpose, with the same results each time. however, i was working with only one strain, and i experimented with clones....

however, the burntopped plants yeilded about two ounces more than the not burntopped ones. i'll see if i can dig up some old pics....

love, kp


Well-Known Member
KP that almost sounds too good to be true! Based on that I'm going to let it go and see what happens. It'll actually turn out to be a good thing if it stops growing so that the other shorter plants can catch up without me raising the light. Thanks for the input! :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
i did it with mine and it dont seem to have done any harm, but haveing read t last post im less worried now


Well-Known Member
i had this happen on my first grow. wat to do-

If you can, lean the pot up against the bottom of the side the plant is going up at a 45d angle and rotate it once a day 180d so the bottom gets so go at the top and vice versa if u get me. the smaller lower branches get to grow up towards the light as well. its a solution that workd for me on my first grow.i found that when i was in flowering the main stem was to hard to bend and i didn't wanna risk snapping it!
Hope this helps u out!


Well-Known Member
I look forward to the pictures! It's at week 4 right now, the strain is Northern Lights x Early Girl by the way. So I assume at least 4 weeks to go, should be plenty of time to recover.