Light Cycle


Active Member
I am sure this has been discussed but was unable to find.What is the best way to transfer my 12/12 safely from 6am-6pm lights on to 6pm-6am lights on.I am about 4 weeks into flower.I only have a few days to make the change.Can I do this safely?I was thinking of letting the lights stay on 1 day 24 straight and then killing the lights so 6am to 6am and start new cycle(Kill lights).This way there is no interruption.Will this one day matter?Can I do this without messin them up?Any Ideas would be great.


Well-Known Member
For you to do this 'safely' would take you from now to the end of flower at least. I would just leave it as is OR bite the bullet and shoot for it. Worst case scenario is hermaphrodites and weird/small buds

Light House

Active Member
I wouldnt do it. That said if you do..longer dark period not longer lights on.
Definitely easier to rule on the safe side by decreasing incrementally the "on cycle" instead of extending it in risk of herming the plants. I would play with half hour increments however I have done 1 hour changes before and it worked out fine as well.


I'm looking forward for an answer too because I want to switch my light cycle.
Did some reading and they said it's better to leave the lights off 24h but need more confirmation.


Well-Known Member
I had mine flowerijng in week 3-4 from 12 to 12 then i had to change them to 5-5... when it was 12 and lights shut off i just redid timers to 5 so it had a longer night time period one day an they seemed to not care at all.