Light Cycles?


Well-Known Member
24/0...20/4...18/6 hour veg light cycles, Any advise? I read here somewhere that someone had actually experimented and concluded 20/4 was optimum but I've lost the thread (but not the plot!)
Had mine on 24/0, but don't like it for no other reason than "it doesn't feel right"...

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
Roots grow fastest at night. 24/0 keeps root growth, and therefore pot size, down and supplies the plants with extra energy. Having a night cycle is good for rooting clones and anytime you want to encourage root growth, as well as for decreasing electrical costs.


Active Member
There is NO evidence anywhere to show light cycles over 18/6 produce an increase in growth rate. This has been proven time and time again by many studies. (Cannabis related)
This is not to say increased periods of light or dark are not used to benefit growth in other area's (as mentioned above).
18/6 is optimum for cannabis......As well as your electric bill ;)
Overall efficiency is what your after.

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
Why are real men always defined by what they don't do, instead of what they do do? There need to be more manly do do's.

sorry off topic


Well-Known Member
Cannabis does not require a dark period, it is a c3 and taken in c02 and does it vital functions regardless of light cycle. My roots grow just as fast as anyone elses do on here. its also not true that its been conclusively shown 18/6 beats 24/0 for growth rates or vice versa. im of the opinion it does make them veg somewhat faster on 24/0, but the main difference is the type of growth you'll see. with 24/0 i see shorter bushier plants, with 18/6 i get plants that are more stretched and taller. I've used both using both cfls and hps and thats what ive seen. in summer its to hot for me to do 24/0 so i have to use 18/6 during the hottest parts of the day. i prefer to go with 24/0.


Well-Known Member
Can you recommend any strains that do well with 12/12? I wouldn't mind trying that at some point in the future...


Active Member
its also not true that its been conclusively shown 18/6 beats 24/0 for growth rates or vice versa.
Show me the proof it does otherwise... not your proof actually scientific studies.
I stated increased period of dark or light can be used to increase growth in other area's such as root etc...... It's swings and roundabouts..... you increase light cycle it may show more growth but somewhere something else ISN'T happening as well as it may. So overall the effectiveness of your grow/technique will just balance out the same.
Horses for courses. Everyone can make something work for them..... doesn't make it cost , time, energy, yield efficient.
Many factors influence the outcome .....


Well-Known Member
Cannabis does not require a dark period, it is a c3 and taken in c02 and does it vital functions regardless of light cycle. My roots grow just as fast as anyone elses do on here. its also not true that its been conclusively shown 18/6 beats 24/0 for growth rates or vice versa. im of the opinion it does make them veg somewhat faster on 24/0, but the main difference is the type of growth you'll see. with 24/0 i see shorter bushier plants, with 18/6 i get plants that are more stretched and taller. I've used both using both cfls and hps and thats what ive seen. in summer its to hot for me to do 24/0 so i have to use 18/6 during the hottest parts of the day. i prefer to go with 24/0.
Does'nt the room temp affect the stretching? I would like to go from 24/0 to 18/6 (maybe keep a fan running) but I dont need any stretching


Well-Known Member
This is a good topic.For many it is just preference.Some like 24/0 others prefer18/6 it really doesnt matter as long as your other growing factors are being meet.I feel that plants do most of there growing per say while the lights are out,but that is my opinon,I like to go 16/8 for vegging because i have a crazy amount of lumens pouring down upon my plants whlie the lights are on.I u 2 400w on a light mover along with 12 T-5s.My grow room is only 7x7x10 with ample ventilation and co2 enrichment