Light died


New Member
Not sure if this is the right forum and I apoligise in advance if its not.

My HPS light has just died and my plants are 3 weeks into flowering. It's my first time grow and I'm not entirely sure what to do. When I've googled the problem but can't really find any answers and I've mostly came up with people having their timers die on them.

Problem is I can't get a light til next week (Monday or Tuesday its due to be delivered) and I'm not sure what to do with the plants in the mean time.

Would I be best taking them out of the room and giving them natural sunlight for 12 hours until the start of next week? or leave them in the dark with the temperature / humidity under control.


Well-Known Member
In and out 12/12 until the light gets there. The more instability the longer delay in flower and more trauma or death.

Or you can get some T5 or house florescent lights from your local Hydro or home improvement store and rig up a temporary setup.


Global Moderator
Staff member
In and out 12/12 until the light gets there. The more instability the longer delay in flower and more trauma or death.

Or you can get some T5 or house florescent lights from your local Hydro or home improvement store and rig up a temporary setup.
Spot on advice here.


New Member
Won't be able to get a hold of any sort of light til the new one arrives.

Cheers for the advice though.


Well-Known Member
By a couple cheep 26w 5600k(veg) 3000k(bloom) cfl bulbs from the hardware store.
you can use some of them to keep it on the same schedule until you get a new HPS


Staff member
buy some cfls, do it up ghettoo ass style until your light comes, or if you can outside they go ;)