light fell on plants

trains strain

Well-Known Member
hey everyone, on my first day of 12/12 cycle, my 3 42w cfls fell on my plant and musta been there for a few hours before i noticed it, some of the leaves are definitly brown in places, would it be wise to cut off the brown leaves? also my bottom leaves are turning yellow again and feelin dry, last time that happened i just cut them off and the plant ended up growing another 3 inches in no time, can i cut those off as well let me know. its been in 12/12 for about 3 days now.


Well-Known Member
if you dont mind loosing them cut them off so the plant wont try to fix them it will couse some loss in yield but very little but only the brown ones leave the yellow


Well-Known Member
cut if more than 50 percent
if most of the leaf is green then it needs the food in it and can still use it

trains strain

Well-Known Member
the first time it was a heat issue but i resolved that mostly, but now its just the fact that te light made my beauty look like shit with some brown burn spots but im just going to leave them n and see where it goes from there