light green/ black/ brown spots on leaves

So it started a few days ago when i noticed a lot of these tiny pale green dots on my leaves.I searched for spidermites after i noticed the black dot on one leaf and couldn't find any then sprayed pyrethrin anyway as i wanted to be sure as i'm growing off season outdoors and expect flowering soon. and then a couple days later had these brown blotches all over. i put it in indirect light after spraying btw. O i also noticed some browning on the tips of some of my preflowers but they were too small to get a pic of.

feeding advanced nutrients grow micro bloom 2 ml per liter each, as bottle suggest, every watering. Could it have anything to do with the fact that i just transplanted to ffof from a plastic cup with pure peat moss. I have been aerating my water and checking its ph and its balways somewhere from 6.5 to 7. i cant test runoff cuz i only have an aquarium test kit and the soil particles throw the color off.

Please, please, please help save my baby.



Good evening,, not to contradict others advice but I think they are probably alright- the blotching is probably just from putting them back under light while the spray was still drying- I have had thrips for the past year or so now and so far as I have seen from your pictures there is no indication of thrips. If anything I would bet on the odd mite which you probably took care of, but to be sure you should probaly follow through and spray again at least once more- just leave em out of the lights until they have had a chance to completely dry!

good luck- j