Light Green Leaves


Active Member
Ok a friend of mine didin't have the proper lighting on his plants for the first two and a half weeks. Then he didn't let the roots get the proper strength before transplanting them to a three gallon pot. Then he started the nutes before the plant was ready. So to say the least the plant is stretched stunted and the roots are still small for it to be a two month plant. I took over two of his plants and put them outside, Since then they have both shown signs of new growth and are healthy the only qyestion i have is looking at all the pics on here the leaves on all the plants are really dark compared to mine. Is this a deficiency of some sort or will the plant just take a while to recover from all the mistakes?


New Member
It needs time to recover. It takes time for a plant that was light deprived to green up. I have one that was stuck in the back of my grow rom and forgotten. Now shes under the 600 and everyday getting a shade or 2 darker..


Active Member
ok thanks i figured thats what it was but i didnt want to start them back on nutes if it was a problem there. Like i said they look healthy and perky but they are just light green instead of dark.


Active Member
Another thing how do i know when its ok to start them on nutes... since they are in such a big pot for such little roots i don't know when they are gonna catch up and actually start growing


New Member
They don't need nutes for the first 3 weeks. If you are going to use nuted use 1/4 the reccomended dose. More is not always better with nutes..


Active Member
They don't need nutes for the first 3 weeks. If you are going to use nuted use 1/4 the reccomended dose. More is not always better with nutes..
Well they are almost two months old and they are still pretty small, so i don't know when to get them back on nutes we have started some other seeds Thai SS and some Super Silver, and they are growing great and are almost as big as the ones that are 2 months old, and they are only 12 days old and still in the styrofoam cup. So is it to soon to start my older plants back on the nutes or can i go ahead and get them back on just at a weaker dose?