Light green new growth, canoe and claw leaves, 5 gal dwc ph dropping. dynagro nutes


Ursus marijanus
I was wondering if it was a Pro-Tekt overdose, but it seems to be used in the recommended range.
I can easily believe that the damage was done when the pH dipped into the 4s. Some strains do not like a reservoir pH much less than 6.
I had a batch of veg nute go quite sour due to the action of bacteria. These or other pathogens might explain both the pH drop and the "overwatered" (roots not transpiring oxygen efficiently) look.
I would sterilize the reservoir and shock the root system with peroxide or another suitable disinfectant. cn

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
are you using a good high volume bubble pump? if you dont get enough bubbbles , or they are all in one spot your plant will be unhappy.

are you using an air-stone? if your airstone cements up from your over-nutrienting it can really slow down bubble production. i have had the best success running an open 1/.4 air line and letting it bubble without a stone. big bubbles work good. (i make a slit halfway through the tube 1/2 inch up the line and use fishing line to tie a 1/4 ounce fishing sinker to the tube to keep it at the bottom of the bucket so the bubbles rise through the whole water-column)

i try to keep my PH right around 7, and i use baking soda and white vinegar to adjust it when it wanders more then .5 in either direction.

i change my rez every week.

keep an oscillating fan on low to keep the leafs rustling. they like that.

when running a dwc i have noticed that lower ambient temps (~65-70 F) works best and keeps the rez cool. this makes for white thick roots and happy plants

i use foxfarms, and MG water soluble for the occasional bump of N (it works if you do it right) using 1 tsp of Growbig, 1/2 tsp big bloon, and 1/8 tsp MG general purpose water soluble (the blue granules) in a 5 gallon DWC when they are about the size in you rpics.

by the time i switch to flowering they are about 3 feet high, bushy and dark green and im usuing 3 tsp Grow big, 2 tsp Big Bloom, and 1/4 tsp MG GP granules per 5 gallon rez. and then its flowering time.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
I was wondering if it was a Pro-Tekt overdose, but it seems to be used in the recommended range.
I can easily believe that the damage was done when the pH dipped into the 4s. Some strains do not like a reservoir pH much less than 6.
I had a batch of veg nute go quite sour due to the action of bacteria. These or other pathogens might explain both the pH drop and the "overwatered" (roots not transpiring oxygen efficiently) look.
I would sterilize the reservoir and shock the root system with peroxide or another suitable disinfectant. cn
by the grace of cernunnos i have never had that problem

but my plants did look like that in a few hours after my first cheap ass walmart fishtank bubble pump just stopped bubbling.

i bit the bullet and got a good one from an aquarium store (it's made in france if you can believe) and it makes way more bubbles, and half the noise.


Hey guys, I was gone all weekend. Thanks for the suggestions. I have a decent sized air pump, 900 or so gph that I have split in a 12- spot manifold but I am only running 5 of the spots so there should be plenty of air to the roots, unless I am maybe filling the bucket up too much w/ water/nute mix? I dunno. I ran just water and a little drip clean the past couple days while I was gone, and then mixed up a light mix of nutes for the past 10 hours or so and the same thing is happening, starting at around 5.6-5.8 and pH dropped to like 4.5 within 10-20 hours tops. Asked a buddy and he said possibly start of nute lock if pH is dropping rather than gradually rising. Dr Kynes - you run pH at 7 in hydro or soil??? Seems high from what I have been reading/was told for hydro I was under the assumption that 5.6-6.4 or so was the best range. I'm still new to the shit though and I know that everyone does what works best for them so I'm not knockin it just curious. oh almost forgot, roots are healthy white and tons of em, i'm stumped as to what is causin the drastic drop


I have been using airstones, the idea about a slit in the air line and sinker attached is genius though I will give that a shot for sure!! I was told to run just straight tubing instead of stones once the root mass gets big anyways or else the roots will eat the airstone that seems like such a simple way to keep the line underwater, thanks.


Alright guys I think I might have solved the problem. I went to the grow shop and got some hydrozyme yesterday and added approx 1 tsp/gal to my buckets. The pH seems to have stabilized for now at least. I heard what it could possibly have been is some sort of bad microbial bacteria of some sort, and the hydrozyme must have helped. Will post an update in the next couple days to confirm!