Light height question


Well-Known Member
Im gonna either do a single 250 watt cfl with a veg and flower bulb, or Imma do 6 42 watt bulbs 3 veg and 3 flower as i heard mix spectrum is the best. Only question is if i do the 6 bulbs its most likely gonna be 3 ft above canvas until the herb grow closer to it ending up at 1 ft from the plants. So should i do the 6 bulbs that arent moveable or should i go with the single 250 watt bulb and move that up and down? their at the same price but with the 6 bulbs i feel will make the lest heat.

It says 2650 lumens for the single 42 watt bulbs,



Well-Known Member
Here's the common standard:

Place your hand, palm down on the canopy of your plants. Lower your light until it makes the top of your hand uncomfortable, then raise the light 2" and do the test again. Rinse, repeat.

Whether one bulb or six, this standard is typical.
