light height


Active Member
I have discovered that my lights were too high in flower. I am using 400 watt hps. I have lowered the lights to 18 in above plant tops. These are un-cooled reflectors. Will this correct the slow flower problems I have? The growth in flower was delayed. I had them way high.


Well-Known Member
heres how to set your light up

Put the palm of your hand over the tallest plant under the light, the back of your hand facing the light, leave it there for 30 seconds, if you feel heat move the light up 1 inch and try again, when there is almost no heat your light is set. Remember to check every day as your plants get taller. Don't worry about the light being to high you got it covered now so just keep going. Good luck to you

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
I'd go with if you can keep it there comfortably.You're gonna feel some heat off a 400w bulb at distances that are still too far from the tops. MJ can tolerate a good bit more heat than people give her credit for.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
18 still seems high for a 400...i try to keep my 600 about 14" from the canopy, i run my 400 about 8-12" away from the canopy...provided you have enuf fan to ditch the heat.


Well-Known Member
I would gradually drop it down, do'nt make a big change all at once, that way the plants have time to adjust. Light burn sucks worse than under lit plants.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
I used to keep the 400's pretty damn close (like 6 to 8 in), and even had some grow INTO the hoods. Can't do that with the 1K's, but I keep them pretty damn close too.

aoR Monday

Active Member
hey monday, i'd love to know how exactly you do that
simple I dropped my lights down a inch every week. I have a six foot plant with the bucket its 7 feet. If the light is two high then it wont reach the bottom so I moved it down a inch a week. I veg for about 2 months and now im flowering. I have 25 cfls at bottom.


New Member
Hold your hand on the plants tops, can you keep it there for longer periods of time without feeling it burning? I adjust to where I feel the burn then back it off till its cool again.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Hold your hand on the plants tops, can you keep it there for longer periods of time without feeling it burning? I adjust to where I feel the burn then back it off till its cool again.
Yeah, keep it (my hand) there even though it's hot. I take showers with the hottest water I can stand. Same principle. The plant can stand heat better than your hand can.


Active Member
I wouldn't put the light any lower than a foot's distance. Woodsmaneh!'s post about using your hand to gauge the heat radiation is on target if you ask me. The plants are living under this light for most of the day, and too much light is just as bad as not enough. If you aren't using reflectors I hope at least you have a good ventilation set up. the plants should be gently blowing in the breeze. this helps them to stretch and also strengthens the root system.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Oh yeah, all of this is dependent on the fact that you have at least adequate air circulation. But this subject is like anything else. It's all in what you prefer. Me...I like 'em right up close and personal, Woodsmaneh (and you, obviously) has his own way. They both work. There is no right or wrong here, other than stretching them out or burning them up. As long as you're not doing either, it's all good.