Light help...again hah


Ok so using CFL's i have 4 27w 5k bulbs (couldn't find 6500k) will that be enough to veg 3-4 plants? or am I going to need way's a few pics
( i have 4 23w 2700ks for flower)any and all feedback is welcome and appriciated ..cfl1.jpgcfl2.jpgcfl.jpg


Well-Known Member
Probably not, I have four 26w 6500k and one 23w 2700k for 2 plants in my little veg box, and four 23w 2700k, two 26w 6500k, and one 42w 2700k for 2 flowering plants, cause it's a larger area than my vegging box. So thats 5 lights for 2 plants in veg, and 7 for 2 plants flowering. When the plants in veg get a little bigger, i might add a bulb or 2. Plus i have my lights about 2 inches from the growth tips. I mean, with 4 lights you can probably grow 3-4 plants, but they probably won't be very happy at all. But then again, i've seen people on here grow one plant with one light, they just usually end up stunted. You can certainly START 3-4 plants on 4 lights without any problems, but as they get larger you'll probably want to add more lights. I'm only relaying information that i've read about on here, as this is my first indoor grow, but i've read a LOT and there is some really good information on this site. Just keep reading and find out what works best for you! Good luck, and keep your thumbs green!

P.S.- I got my 6500k lights at 7 bucks for a 2-pack


Aight thanks for input bro! I'll start em off with those cfls and by the time christmas comes i'll have more money and order in a 400 or 600w hps and finish em off :D
(i'm in a 4x4 grow room)


Well-Known Member
Sick, sounds like a plan. I'm just gonna wait till spring and get my outdoor op going, this CFL buisness is more of a pet project, something to stave off the boredom till April. Keep up the good work


Active Member
Looks good....just keep those lights within an inch or two from your plants or they will stretch to get to the light.