Light HELP!

My seeds are currently in soil and i have flo's on them but once they get bigger i plan on switching to HPS because i know the buds will hit a danker peak. This is my first grow and everything is setup pretty good but the HPS bulbs i got are 150watt and im using a lamp clamp from lowes to hold it. The problem is when i went to turn it on nothing happened and idk if they are to powerful for the lamp clamp or what. Some help please??


Well-Known Member
HPS bulbs needs a seperate ballast to drive them. not sure what a lamp clamp is as english is not my primary language.. but a hps bulb cannot be driven by simply a cord and a socket.
how many plants are you planning to grow under 1 x 150W hps btw? im doing my first grow aswell with 10 plants under 2 x 400W and im at the lowest light output i could have for so many plants tbh..


Your HPS lamp requires a ballast to fire it... The ballast can consist of a transformer capacitor and ignitor... Without the ballast the lamp can not fire... The only way for it to work is to be a self ballasted lamp and to my knowledge there is not such thing in the HPS format... There are self ballasted MV lamps on the market... but they are 3200K a little more white then the 2700K HPS...