light leak,open at dark time! 2 seconds come check this out !!


Active Member
Ok so, I have a question.. anyone ever take cuttings knowing you got 30 mins to do so? well bless our heart!! because what if you have a cabinet and its cracked open a little bit... the mother is out showing her body while you snip snip snip!!! but then ugh oh!!! lights go off and bam you hit the door and shut it! But you see a little monster in the cabinet... now your stuck with the mother....shiiiiiiiiiiiit!!!!!!!! so.... if your vegging.. is it best to just throw out the mother and hope the cuttings dont hermie? or is this a waste of posts? sigh*** sure would be nice to know! thanks for reading! (obviously no need to post a pic cause i just explained it lmao. we put the mother in the corner twenty mins later and covered it with a towel. eff her anyways haaha!


Active Member
really if its the first 30 seconds after the lights go out your fine. its waking the plant up that messes with the hormones.


Well-Known Member
30 really shouldnt do anything, if you were to leave the cabinet open for 30 minutes afterwards it might have an adverse effect...


Active Member
lol...he isnt the only one...i see people all over the net all the time scared at what negative effects even 5 or 10 seconds may cause.....i just kick back and laugh, thinkin bout the times i left my cab door opened high on accident..with no noticable not arguing or trying to say that the light doesnt effect the plants hormones...just saying that i know that its nothing to worry about...dang i cant spell