Light leak question? Is there no moon?


Active Member
So recently I wrote and had pics of a stalled female compared to my other in the same res. Someone mentioned I possibly have a light leak into my closet, now this is where my question is derived from. I've been trying to read and absorb everything that I can on here and I see light leak is bad everywhere yet in the wild there is a moon and stars that regularly light up the night. So, I'm having a hard time putting it into question form but can someone please explain how light leak on indoor grow is a bad thing, does it just slow the growth process making the plant take much longer to flower?


Active Member
your PH is probably out of range... you didnt mention if the two females were clones or of the same breed etc...

but to the original question... i have seen a light leak turn flowering into a 4 month operation, lol.


Active Member
Check ph daily and it's been in range, dropped out for a little but got it back on target right away, and the other females main cola has been developing beautifully but the one in question basically starting getting pistils a week and a half after the other and is way behind now. They are both from fem seeds from nirvana blackjack. But your second answer kinda confirmed what I was wondering I mean I know outdoor grows obviously take longer I just assumed that a lil light leaking in at their dark hours would basically be like moon light or so and not really affect them but at any rate I took precautionary measures


Active Member
ya i would like to know this answer too...i recently got a grow tent that should take care of light leak but i have been working out of a closet on my past 2 grows and they have taken forevvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrr to flower like 2 months past expected! i swear its brighter outside at night than it is anywhere in my room while lights are out for the girls.


Well-Known Member
Heres the thing. Light leaks = stress. stress= hermies.
How are they going to flower when they have enough light to stay awake?
sleeping inducing everything


Active Member
It only takes 10 ft candles of light to interrupt the light cycle. This is not much light. If you can move things and get inside with it closed you will know if it leaks. If you see light you must seal it off. Light pollution will retard flowering and if strong enough will inhibit it.


Active Member
Alright thanks guys, I mean I knew it took longer forthe flowering period in outdoor plants compared to indoor so that I get. The part about causing hermies I hear happens but again the moon and stars... Typically, ESP a full moon it is much brighter outside so why doesn't that cause plants to hermie outdoors? I mean I haven't searched for it specifically since I'm an indoor grower but just for botany sake, can anyone explain? Sorry new to growing so I'm trying to figure out the plant as well as how to properly grow it.


Well-Known Member
Typically, you see a lot of light leak threads or comments because most indoor grows are stealth. They are set up to be hard for a casual visitor to the home to detect. Yes the full moon "appears" bright when you are outdoors in the dark, but look around you when you are out there, there isn't enough light to read comfortably, but you can discern objects. You should take care of leaks to prevent stressing, because you may not intend to turn on that closet light during the ladies sleep time, but it can happen.

I went so far as to place a green light bulb in my closet in place of the CFL bulb, just in case. You can use green light to view or work on your plants when they are enjoying their 12 hour nap.


Active Member
Thanks Serapis, I dont really worry about turning on the light since I moved my clothes into another closet and the light is on before I leave for work at 6 and goes off after i get to check them in the evening, my main problem would be the ambient light entering the room but see there again that doesnt make sense, bc that room doesnt get opened much unless by me or else during lights on my fiance will venture in. I havent flushed in a little while and both are slowing down lately so I might just have to do that, I was trying to hold out till I was ready to start their flush but maybe I cant wait that long and thats why they are slowed.. Plus tonight I changed out the air stone in my res, the other was getting root bound and not moving as much air around... all you can do is wait and see so I'll just keep my fingers crossed that the left soon starts rapidly taking off, and that the other starts to pack on the weight... its grown so that you can barely see the stalk for a few inches but its not plumping up too much yet IMO.


Well-Known Member
ive always thought that lightleaks are bad indoors because indoor lights tend to be high intensity?


Active Member
light leak refers to light getting into the flower room during the dark period. not light escaping the flowering room during the day period.


Well-Known Member
thats what im saying, light emmitted by high intensity house bulbs (incandesents?) from outside your grow enclosure


Active Member
my 2 cents on light leaks in comparison to the moon, is like this the sun is thousands of times brighter than the moon or our indoor grow lighting, but if you compare the amount of light/intensity, the light leaks in your room are more like a baby sun than the moon. sorry if thats not easy to understand blame it on the ecsd


Well-Known Member
The moon doesn't actually illuminate things brightly at night. It's just the way our eyes work that makes it seem that way. You can't discern colors in moonlight, and it is usually hard or impossible to read text from a book.

Check this link from NASA for details.


Active Member
Thanks for the interesting read, also to everyone else I also enjoy your input. I can understand the mini sun and I just figured outdoors takes so much longer to flower and grow for a reason, we are providing perfect environment indoors so when we get light leak it just slows the process some since it's not "ideal" but like I said nice NASA article, made me think back about childhood, lived in the country and was outdoors at night a lot, never really thought about the way the moon steals colors from things so that was very cool, anyways time to work, have a good day guys