Light Leak Question

Hello all, I'm currently doing a microgrow. I vegged out 5 plants with 24/0 light for 20 days, brought it down to 18/6 for a week, and now for the past 5 days I have been at 12/12 trying to force flower. So far there are no signs of preflowers or anything but the plants have grown very rapidly the past 5 days.

My question is if the plants get 5-7 minutes of light during the dark period every day will this prevent them from flowering. Usually once a day when they should be in the dark I take them out for a few minutes because I am anxious to see signs of preflower. Am I preventing them from budding?

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
will make em hermie and takes a while to flower. some up to 2 weeks be patient and loose the leaks.

High Time 420

Well-Known Member
Hello all, I'm currently doing a microgrow. I vegged out 5 plants with 24/0 light for 20 days, brought it down to 18/6 for a week, and now for the past 5 days I have been at 12/12 trying to force flower. So far there are no signs of preflowers or anything but the plants have grown very rapidly the past 5 days.

My question is if the plants get 5-7 minutes of light during the dark period every day will this prevent them from flowering. Usually once a day when they should be in the dark I take them out for a few minutes because I am anxious to see signs of preflower. Am I preventing them from budding?
how can they bud when they are getting light during dark hours...

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
yes it does. i can stand in there and use a lighter and fuk it up with that min amount of light.
if you dont think it matters why asking then.,???


Active Member
it matters very much anything that throws plants off natural cycle matters... you could be prolonging it every time you take it out early possibly like the guy said before by 2 weeks ... think about it if you only have to wait 10-15 mins longer why risk it? just do what your supposed to and you be much happier in the long run good luck!


Active Member
After reading this thread I think I'll change my setup a little. Does anyone already have a good light leak info thread up?

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
light leak info complete and leaks, period. thats the whole info on leaks....dont do it. dark durin day time is ok to a point but absolutly a no-no with light in dark times.