Light mover in a hydrohut???


Active Member
Hey guys, been doing some pretty serious research on here, and first off, I love y'all.
Secondly, to all those with Hydrohuts: Who has a light mover in there? I've got the 4x4x7, and thinking about a 3-foot track for a light mover. Does this make sense? I guess I'd have to move the racks they put in there for the blower and filter, but otherwise, would this work?
I was considering a 1000w hps, but I'm a little reluctant as this would tax my 15amp circuit quite a bit, and create heat issues. My thinking was that if I could unleash a mover in there and gain the extra 20% or whatever more efficiency on a 600-watter, it would be the next best thing.


Well-Known Member
You don't need a light mover. I have a 600 watt in a 4x4 and it works great. I could maybe even put a 400 watt in there. (400 can fill 4x4feet). 1000 would get too hot. You could do it but it would be kinda overkill.