light movers ?


Active Member
hi thanks for readind i want to cut back the amount of lights in a 5x8 so i could use multple rooms for more even pwer distuputions. my question is can 1x1000w hps work this area with a light mover and what size am completly clueless


Well-Known Member
yes but use a lightrail and 2-600 watt lamps. although with 2-600 watt lamps you wouldn't need a rail but it also wouldn't hurt. this is what I'm doing next round, right now I've had a 1-1 kw on a rail with led on the sides. can't decide whether I'm going to run a 600 watt hps and an led panel or two hps(or mh) with different specs on the lamps.



Well-Known Member
The reason being (and these aren't my words)
"Do you have a light meter? 1000w lamps are too much for plants and causes photo-inhibition, stopping photosynthesis. At around 5500 footcandles photosynthesis stops, in nature. You can push up to 7000 indoors, but that's max, and still causing some plant shut down. If you back the light up to 2', then you lose 3/4 of the lamps energy, a 1000w light will only put out 250w of usable energy at 2 feet, its called inverse square law - its just the physics of light.

I recommend getting away from 1000w and switching to 600w for the sake of the plants. More isn't better when it comes to food or light, or CO2 or much else."

dude answers tech support questions at sunpulse . he pushes lamps and the 1kw SHOULD be more expensive with more profit for the manufacturer (so why is he pushing 600s if there isn't something to it?) . although at hortilux you spend more for a 600 than you do a 1kw super hps.


Active Member
yes but use a lightrail and 2-600 watt lamps. although with 2-600 watt lamps you wouldn't need a rail but it also wouldn't hurt. this is what I'm doing next round, right now I've had a 1-1 kw on a rail with led on the sides. can't decide whether I'm going to run a 600 watt hps and an led panel or two hps(or mh) with different specs on the lamps.
thanks DB i am undesive on the light mover r the 2x600hps. iam aware that the 6000 is better for growing . i just thought it would be less heat with 1x1000 with light mover then the 600s. the area has more space but the biggest square is what am worried about now. i was thinking of 4x600hps in the 8x8 total area. but thought i could use less power and generate less heat with a1x1000hps on a light mover then 1x600 on the remaining area in the room. using less electicty not much but generating l less heat. the area is is one area shape as a square 5x8and a rectange area 3x5 if u understand what u think any ideas