Light needed for a mother plant??


Well-Known Member
Well I've been down to my local grow shop and they've got cheap 125 watt cfl's.
I was just wondering if this would be enough to keep a mother plant going, or possibly a few clones also. Maybe 8?? Any opinions or advice.

How do you keep your mothers thriving?? I'm new to the whole mother/cloning process so any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
actually those cfls are pretty tough ...i use 400 watter myself ...but i think to keep clones goin your cfl might even be better than a 400 watter at first .....i have found that my newly rooted clones work best when i keep em under flourecents at first .....i know sounds weird less is better tho in some instances



Well-Known Member
They do not need as much light as if you were after vigorous growth. If you are just keeping it alive and looking for a slower growth, two or three of them would be enough for one mother plant. I have found that too much light and the mother wants to grow right out of my cabinet. I have a hard time keeping it short and bushy even though I am taking 25-30 clones off it every month. As for the clones, they do not need much light either. You want root growth and too much light and I think it spends too much time trying to grow foliage instead of roots.


Well-Known Member
So you guys are saying One 125 watt cfl is enough or should I buy 2 or 3 125 watt lights for my mother and a small amount of clones???


Well-Known Member
Good stuff. Thanks for the help. One more thing....
I think I'd like to clone into rockwool cubes, because of space and more control than say 16 oz cups. But where can I buy a rockwool tray with a lid. Like a propogation tray but for use with rockwool? To act as a humidity dome???