light or water?


Active Member
So I'm at a friends house smoking when he hands me a pill bottle with 4 little balls in the bottem he tells me there canabis seeds and I should grow them
So when I get back home I float test all 4 and they all float so I germinate them using the heat+wet paper towel method retested them and 2 sank so I put those 2 each in there own pot and add water and light then I remember I have to go to Washington tomarro!

What do I do? If I bring them I can't control lighting 3d I leave them I can't water them!


Active Member
I forgot to mention, I will be gone for 7 days. They haven't sprouted roots or leaves yet there just bigger darker seeds


Well-Known Member
take them with you, your car will act like a greenhouse i assume... keep it in bright sunlight... my friend did this when i was younger, i cant remeber exactly but they had them in botttles on the dashboard.


Well-Known Member
Put them in the refrigerator and resume your quest to grow when you return home. As soon as you return, start reading as much as you can about what you want to start. I assume that they're not in dirt yet.


Active Member
They are in soil, but I put them in about 3 hours ago,

The car acting as a greenhouse idea is genius! Thank you!


Well-Known Member
Let me get this straight. You're planning on raising seedlings in your car for the first week of their life.

Good luck to you and your endeavor.



Active Member
I still have the 2 germinating seeds so I can't put those in the fridge how accurate is the float test anyways?