Light problem

4th week in flower on my auto stardawg, I've just added another 600w LED to my grow room yesterday, today I've noticed a couple of the top leaves clawing downwards at the tip, can having the led to close to the top of my plant cause this? The LED was closer then what it is now in the pictures also Sorry for having the light on in the pictures



Well-Known Member
Leaf tips turning down is a possible sign of Nitrogen toxicity. Another sign is darker than normal green leaves.

Since your plants are purple, there's no way to perform a proper diagnosis.

You've been here since May and have 29 posts. Surely you've run into at least a couple hundred threads that request pictures be taken with the grow lights off, no?
Leaf tips turning down is a possible sign of Nitrogen toxicity. Another sign is darker than normal green leaves.

Since your plants are purple, there's no way to perform a proper diagnosis.

You've been here since May and have 29 posts. Surely you've run into at least a couple hundred threads that request pictures be taken with the grow lights off, no?
This will sound kind of stupid but no, one person made a joke of it but I thought he was just trying to have a laugh, I'll make sure for future posts I don't have the light on
4th week in flower on my auto stardawg, I've just added another 600w LED to my grow room yesterday, today I've noticed a couple of the top leaves clawing downwards at the tip, can having the led to close to the top of my plant cause this? The LED was closer then what it is now in the pictures also Sorry for having the light on in the pictures
Leaf tips turning down is a possible sign of Nitrogen toxicity. Another sign is darker than normal green leaves.

Since your plants are purple, there's no way to perform a proper diagnosis.

You've been here since May and have 29 posts. Surely you've run into at least a couple hundred threads that request pictures be taken with the grow lights off, no?
Here is a picture I took yesterday



Well-Known Member
This will sound kind of stupid but no, one person made a joke of it but I thought he was just trying to have a laugh, I'll make sure for future posts I don't have the light on
Please do. It's no joke. Proper diagnosis requires an accurate view of the plant.


Well-Known Member
Cool. They look good. With the full view in proper lighting, you can pretty much rule out N toxicity as the issue. Those leaves are a healthy looking green colour. N tox brings with it an exceptionally dark green and sometimes waxy appearance.
I apologize OP I don’t mean to Jack the thread or anything just wanted to ask. Does this look like N toxicity?

