Light purple leaf stems


I'm about 2-3 weeks into my 1st grow.. I'm growin AF Mango, D*, & P xpress. I'm notice on the Af Mango last week the leaf stems that lead to the leaf are turning a lil purple/burgundy...? Then I seen it start showing a lil on P xpress... Is this normal? Is there something wrong with my girls?


it may be a nute prob man what are you feeding here how old whats the ph of the soil or the cold is your room...let me kno ill do my best to help man....


id say normal for them being as young as they are but if the conintue to turn purple its ether genes or a diff ive grown them all the way threw with them being purple so u should be ok m8


Well-Known Member
no pics of the problem, no details about the grow except time and strain, expect vague uneducated responses ;)

You could have some issue going on, you could be fine...without knowing exactly what you are growing with(light/soil/etc), and some GOOD pictures of the problem area and entire will not get accurate answers ;)


Well-Known Member
I've never NOT had purple stems from early in the grow all the way thru. Even the baby green ones get slightly purple eventually.

An all-purple stalk on a more mature plant would worry me though, but that's not what you have there... I wouldn't sweat it.