Light question/recommendations

So I have been using a vivosun 600w cheap $140 light and I had only planned on keeping one plant to start but now I have decided to keep three. My grow tent is 32x32” base and I don’t know much about lights are not my “thing” but and advice is welcome ( I did take the time to research par and everything like that but never found a light that I really liked so I got a cheap one)
There are folks that will tell you to cull it down to one plant, as it will fill up the same space anyway. In terms of sheer volume, that is correct. However, my guess is you feel attached to the 3 plants which you want to keep, which in my mind justifies keeping them.

To some extent, intuition must guide us, and if you want to keep 3 plants, don’t let them tell you not to. However, I am drunk and high, so I perhaps feel extra strong about what I happen to be talking about.

At this point, you should just keep all 3 pruned back like little bonsais. Treat them like a triple yin/yang in the tent. Yin, Yang, and Yung, which is arguably the third element in this “trichotomy,” LOL.

As for the height of the light above your plants, feel it out. My kneejerk reaction is 18 inches with the LED you describe. Others will say I am wrong, and they may be right. My approach is to eyeball it, then move it further away as it seems necessary.

Stupid is as stupid does? Yes.
There are folks that will tell you to cull it down to one plant, as it will fill up the same space anyway. In terms of sheer volume, that is correct. However, my guess is you feel attached to the 3 plants which you want to keep, which in my mind justifies keeping them.

To some extent, intuition must guide us, and if you want to keep 3 plants, don’t let them tell you not to. However, I am drunk and high, so I perhaps feel extra strong about what I happen to be talking about.

At this point, you should just keep all 3 pruned back like little bonsais. Treat them like a triple yin/yang in the tent. Yin, Yang, and Yung, which is arguably the third element in this “trichotomy,” LOL.

As for the height of the light above your plants, feel it out. My kneejerk reaction is 18 inches with the LED you describe. Others will say I am wrong, and they may be right. My approach is to eyeball it, then move it further away as it seems necessary.

Stupid is as stupid does? Yes.
Do you have a light that you recommend
Do you have a light that you recommend
To be honest, I am no expert in lights and want to tell you your vivosun will be fine. But then, I don’t want some pro to bite my head off for saying so.

I am a bit unusual because I use lights mostly during early spring to get my plants started, then move them outside. I make crosses of my outdoor plants, then do little experiments inside my tent just to get a sneak peek of what the bud looks like.

In other words, I am one of those despised “pollen chuckers” who doesn’t take himself or his weed too seriously, LOL. For the weed I flower in my tent, I use a King LED light that’s about 10 inches by 18 inches, which lets out a “blurple” type light.

It works fine for a low-rent grower like me, and my wife has brought plants to flower with even shittier white LEDs that I usually use for vegetation for a month before transplanting outdoors.

If you’ve previously brought a plant to flower successfully with your $140 vivosun, you will be able to do so with 3 plants, as long as you keep them small enough to take up the same surface area.

That said, if some hot shot pro grower tells you to buy/do something else, go with that — I live in a double wide trailer with 7 dogs, so I’m not exactly the creme de la creme of growers, LOL
For a light, in a 3 x 3, one qb 96 using a HLG 150 would light up that area really nice, yeah some of the edges would not be covered in the most optimal way, but turning your pots 1/4 a turn each day works great in those situations. And one of those with a driver and heatsink can be had for about $110.00 to $120.00 right now. But honestly two qb 120(s) spaced 5 inches apart were made for that space, they provide some of the best edge to edge par coverage that I have personally tested in that size space, and seeing they come in 4 packs you could run another 3 x 3, or if you want to use something like a 2 x 4 down the road, those 4 qb 120(s) will light up one of those tents very well. Also four qb 144 also work in that space, spaced 3 inches apart, but there ends up being lots of overlapping of lighting at a distance that begins at 14 inches. And yeah, there are many other options, but when it comes to the smaller LED lighting arrays HLG has the most optimal lighting options for smaller growing area's!