light question


Well-Known Member
Are you sure you should be growing? Just kiddin' . . . I do 24/0 and it certainly seems to hasten veg, IMO.


Well-Known Member
this is one tough crowd. to be fair, there are light cycles recommended in advanced techniques growfaq

"Daylength of 21 hours, 36 minutes with a dark period of 12 hours"

that are longer than 24 hours. this is supposed to increase yield and creates 4 complete light cycles every 5 days


Well-Known Member
That would be 6 hours. When you see this 18/6 that is the photoperiod for 18 hours lights on and 6 hours lights off.

daniel watson

Well-Known Member
yeah 6 hrs off bro....its common sense..there iz only 24 in a day u have it on 4 18 how many do u have left?????thats only because uv been doig it on 18/6.


Well-Known Member
this is one tough crowd. to be fair, there are light cycles recommended in advanced techniques growfaq

"Daylength of 21 hours, 36 minutes with a dark period of 12 hours"

that are longer than 24 hours. this is supposed to increase yield and creates 4 complete light cycles every 5 days
It works well but you have to plan your visits with you plant a little better. I prefer easy math so I don't forget and open the doors of my grow room.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
It works well but you have to plan your visits with you plant a little better. I prefer easy math so I don't forget and open the doors of my grow room.:mrgreen:
i haven't tried it but would consider it if it improved yield significantly. what kind of bump did you think you got from trying it???


Well-Known Member
this is one tough crowd. to be fair, there are light cycles recommended in advanced techniques growfaq

"Daylength of 21 hours, 36 minutes with a dark period of 12 hours"

that are longer than 24 hours. this is supposed to increase yield and creates 4 complete light cycles every 5 days
It works well but you have to plan your visits with you plant a little better. I prefer easy math so I don't forget and open the doors of my grow room.:mrgreen:
ive heard something like this before, you couldnt do it on a 24hr timer tho could you?


Active Member
yeah sorry for soundin like a noob i knew it was obvious it jus wasnt posted any where,im not a noob to weed ,been smokin sience i was 13 but this growin shit is complicated, im just tired of buyin trees soo much an not gettin as high so im finaly tryin to grow my own. thx for tha help manee...oh an another thing winter gets pritty cold here in Michigan but i know its possible to grow inside rite if its at least 65+ degrees ?

daniel watson

Well-Known Member
ive heard something like this before, you couldnt do it on a 24hr timer tho could you?
i have heard u can during veg..but when come time to flower u switch to the usual.but i have yet to get conformation..i wouldnt do it though i would stick with 18/6 if anything...