light schedul tricks and sh1t


Well-Known Member
Yes , and it's hard to argue with their results either. They had some pretty plants growing when I was there, impressed me,but that's not too hard,,


Well-Known Member
let's discuss this, for real.

first off, where is the resin produced exactly? well it's produced at the site of growth. the resin is made in the resin glands. these glands fill as they mature. they don't move around the plant. hanging them upside down does nothing for resin production. 24 hours of darkness has no increased effects either. light creates photosynthesis, which creates growth. you aren't going to "trick" the plant. it's been around millions of years. it knows what it's doing. :mrgreen:

IMG_4704.jpg IMG_4700.jpg IMG_4703.jpg


Well-Known Member
it takes a plant up to 2 weeks to figure out it's in flower mode and to start flowering. what could it possibly do in 48 hours?


Well-Known Member
ye I would like to know too ^^

..and nice close up pics, fdd2blk :)

I'd like to know also more about that "right time for the harvesting" thing.

I dont have a microscope yet (Im going to get it definitely) but when is the optimal time to chop it down?

I have flowered mine for almost 5 weeks already (33 days) .. so probably in next 5 weeks it will be finished.. umh.. right.. talking about sativa here(correct me if Im wrong).

I personally think I would like to get like 25% amber trichomes and 75% milky ones. but now... in which week or state (or whatever :eyesmoke:) of flowering should I see the first amber trichomes? (also would like to know when do they start to get milky/cloudy)

thank u very much for help :) and I hope u underastood what I wrote here


Well-Known Member
harvest times vary. when you get to 8 weeks post some pics and we'll help you. :)
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Well-Known Member
Thanks Jimmy & fdd....Talk about a kid in a candy store....I'll read up on there later, thanks for both did the course thing ?....good stuff..I'm retired, and that sounds like a great sort of valuable pass time.........sure better than a peg's gardening 101 that they offer around here...............can't smoke pea's...I've tried.........:):):)


Well-Known Member
HOLY COW!! ...I just came home and noticed that I forgot to open my windows :shock: I was like "WTF" and ran to opened them. I looked in my closet and it was 107F !!! :???: I hope I didin't burn my plant now... though it seems to be ok.

fuck! fuck! fuck! ... :neutral:

lol tell me is this serious problem or not.. the 400W hps turned on like 4 hours ago. so my plant have suffered in high temps for 4 hours only.


Well-Known Member
HOLY COW!! ...I just came home and noticed that I forgot to open my windows :shock: I was like "WTF" and ran to opened them. I looked in my closet and it was 107F !!! :???: I hope I didin't burn my plant now... though it seems to be ok.

fuck! fuck! fuck! ... :neutral:

lol tell me is this serious problem or not.. the 400W hps turned on like 4 hours ago. so my plant have suffered in high temps for 4 hours only.
are they fried? no? they should be ok then. don't do it again though. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
fortunately she is okay..

seems like my plant can take pretty high temps.. in veg stage there was like 90-95F on the top of the plant.. every day. so mabey due to the 400W hps and a small place they can grow better with high temps like 85 and 90F.. I mean.. that hps "burns the air" and produces co2 :eyesmoke:

lol just a weird thought :lol: