Light schedule for vegging


Well-Known Member
Just curious to see, how many people use 24/0, 20/4, or 18/6 for vegging, and if you can actually see a difference with giving plants a 'rest' period.
Has anybody actually done an experiment to see?
Has anybody tried the weird on/ off/ on schedule that was in the thread a while back? (5/1/5 or something like that)


Well-Known Member
I've used 24/0 and 18/6.

24 has the bonus of more compact growth BUT I have found transitioning to flower they stretch alot more once switched to 12/12 when compared to 18/6.

Other than this I haven't really seen much else.



Well-Known Member
Jorge Cervantes, author of the growers' bible, did do a study of veg times. He found that 20/4 and 24/0
were tied for the best. He reccommends 20/4 just because it saves the bulb 4 hours a day. Hope that helps.



Well-Known Member
Thanks everybody.
I am currently doing 20/4, and I have noticed that the growth seems to be mostly focused in the last few hours before lights off, and the majority of drinking seems to be done during lights off.
It seems I can feel a weight difference as much after 4 hours of lights off, equal to the difference after 20 hours of lights on.
I think I'm going to ease into 18/6 in the next week, as I plan to flip in a couple weeks.


Well-Known Member
18/6 vegg. have run 24 but i seem to notice flowers form a week sooner with 18/6 . just a personal observation, take it for what its worth. I chose 18/6 over 20/4 simply for power savings, cpl hrs everyday adds up.