light stress to crop...i could use some input

grand daddy purple

Active Member
a crop of 20 under 2 lights that during the veg stage, had a few day period of getting less than 18 hours of light. we are now in the 15th day of flowering and it seems like we're going to be getting a lot of "popcorn" buds. no big colas fo us:evil: any help, input etc. would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Of course you must yhave said it and I just missed it. What kind of lights are they? what watt? how far away from the lights? Oh yeah I almost forgot, what strain is IT?????

grand daddy purple

Active Member
1000w hps, 2-3 fit from plants, the strain is grand daddy purple. the room it's in is dialed, it's just this one bed of plants that had the light stress.


Well-Known Member
I think that is besides the point^^^

isnt 15th day a little early to tell what type of buds you will be getting? Thats just the very beginning of your flowering stage...


Uses the Rollitup profile
Good answer, Graf! Yes, your buds are just starting to form, and will continue to grow for several weeks. Then they will fill out, and then they will ripen.

Flowering is divided into 3 parts. Growth spurt (da stretch), Flower formation, and Flower ripening.

HTH :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
a touch of superthrive could make your day if not already.

Granddaddy purp is da shiznitz super duper aromatic. you could walk into a store after a blunt of it and everyone would be looking at you. stanky shit

grand daddy purple

Active Member
yeah, i thought 15 days was too early to tell too, but my friend who's been doing this for years says that we've got a problem, and his word is very trustworthy. i'll look in to getting some superthrive, anything else? should i be trimming the bottoms heavily to let the plants focus more on the tops?? i appreciate all of the seasoned growers advice...


Yeah, they start out looking like little popcorn buds, gotta start somewhere. buds overnight would be nice though..