light stress?


Active Member
Hello, I'm trying to find out what's wrong with my babies. I did some searches on this board and can't decide if its light stress or nutrient problems. Its grown in soil (ocean forest) under a 400w mh. All four of them are pretty much exhibiting the same symptoms and it started at the exact same time (which makes me think its light stress). It was the first time i gave them light for more than 3-4 hours from the MH (i had them under a fluorescent otherwise). The lights are about two feet or more away, though. The thermometer said that they were at or under 80 degrees the entire time.

Basically the leaves are all clawish and super thin and some of them are bent over and they are a very bright greenish/yellow colour.

Here's a picture:

They are about four leaf sets (nodes?) high or so. I was thinking of maybe pinching them off anyway, so if it is light stress would it be a good idea to just pinch off the part that got light stressed?


Well-Known Member
If the leaves are canoeing [curling] then this is normaly either heat or stress from to much pressure been put on your plants from your fans have your fans face your fan this will cool the heat from the fan down i would raise it a tadbut you don't want your plants to end up been leggy.the yellowish in the centre of your plants could be a nutrient def.but then yet again the new growth on all my plants start off a little yellow.the picture of the plant says to me i would just lower my nuts a week or so flush them first and higher the light a while.


Active Member
If the leaves are canoeing [curling] then this is normaly either heat or stress from to much pressure been put on your plants from your fans have your fans face your fan this will cool the heat from the fan down i would raise it a tadbut you don't want your plants to end up been leggy.the yellowish in the centre of your plants could be a nutrient def.but then yet again the new growth on all my plants start off a little yellow.the picture of the plant says to me i would just lower my nuts a week or so flush them first and higher the light a while.
hmm, thanks. It could very well be stress from too much wind. I haven't used any nutes because I figured the ocean forest would carry them for a while.


Well-Known Member
im going with a fan issue
im going to change the way she blows lol
i know not that funny
raise the light a little
thanks for your help


Well-Known Member
I dont think thats heat or light damage. Looks like more of some kind of nute lockout. Too much nutes or PH imbalance.