Light stress


Well-Known Member
I got a new 300w LED, PLC, CX300. I startsed at 30", manufacturer recommendations is 24" - 18"..I have a 4x4 tent, I hung LED off centered to cover said 3x3. After gradually lowering light from 36" to 18" I turned on my other LED, 100w, in the corner.

I noticed leaf tips curling up.

My question:
Will the leaves repair/stop curling?
I am flowering now with autos and not sure if my distance is okay.

I would like the light as close as possible, obviously.

Pics: these are random, progressive. Last one is today.
LED is now 20"

Peace n ty



Well-Known Member
I got a new 300w LED, PLC, CX300. I startsed at 30", manufacturer recommendations is 24" - 18"..I have a 4x4 tent, I hung LED off centered to cover said 3x3. After gradually lowering light from 36" to 18" I turned on my other LED, 100w, in the corner.

I noticed leaf tips curling up.

My question:
Will the leaves repair/stop curling?
I am flowering now with autos and not sure if my distance is okay.

I would like the light as close as possible, obviously.

Pics: these are random, progressive. Last one is today.
LED is now 20"

Peace n ty
If the light is the cause for the drooping, and you've made the right height adjustment they should bounce fine.


Well-Known Member
I got a new 300w LED, PLC, CX300. I startsed at 30", manufacturer recommendations is 24" - 18"..I have a 4x4 tent, I hung LED off centered to co........Peace n ty
Look at the tips of your cola/buds. Are the tips of the pistils brown but the rest of the pistil white? Premature browning of the tips with LEDs is a sure sign that your light is too close. The leaf edges could be light stress, the beginning of a mag deficiency or even a K deficiency. It's hard to tell but she looks a little overwatered too so that might be cause for concern. And if the damage isn't too severe the edges will return to normal.

Nice looking plant btw. Have you asked @Greengenes707 what he thinks? Drop by his thread in the LED section, he or others may have better answers for you there. After all he owns the company :).


Well-Known Member
Thank you both!
I have to head out now.
I have the LED about 2" higher. I am hoping that will be good for now.
My main concern is, will I notice a difference in the leaf curling dissipate if the light it properly adjusted? That way, I know I am in the "green"

Btw, she is not overwatered. I just got over a battle with fungus gnats (fuckers), and she took it the worst.

Heare is both, at home



Well-Known Member
Thank you both!
I have to head out now.
I have the LED about 2" higher. I am hoping that will be good for now.
My main concern is, will I notice a difference in the leaf curling dissipate if the light it properly adjusted? That way, I know I am in the "green"

Btw, she is not overwatered. I just got over a battle with fungus gnats (fuckers), and she took it the worst.

Heare is both, at home
I'm crossing my fingers it's not root issues from the fungus, that would sadden me. Such a pretty plant


Well-Known Member
Look at the tips of your cola/buds. Are the tips of the pistils brown but the rest of the pistil white? Premature browning of the tips with LEDs is a sure sign that your light is too close. The leaf edges could be light stress, the beginning of a mag deficiency or even a K deficiency. It's hard to tell but she looks a little overwatered too so that might be cause for concern. And if the damage isn't too severe the edges will return to normal.

Nice looking plant btw. Have you asked @Greengenes707 what he thinks? Drop by his thread in the LED section, he or others may have better answers for you there. After all he owns the company :).
Tips are white. There is a brown/Amber tint to the lower extremities.

Pic of a few random tops:



Well-Known Member
Look at the tips of your cola/buds. Are the tips of the pistils brown but the rest of the pistil white? Premature browning of the tips with LEDs is a sure sign that your light is too close. The leaf edges could be light stress, the beginning of a mag deficiency or even a K deficiency. It's hard to tell but she looks a little overwatered too so that might be cause for concern. And if the damage isn't too severe the edges will return to normal.

Nice looking plant btw. Have you asked @Greengenes707 what he thinks? Drop by his thread in the LED section, he or others may have better answers for you there. After all he owns the company :).
FranJan, am I okay?


Well-Known Member
Just re-read and reread, I will drop by in the am when I have a few minutes.
I thank you guys!


Well-Known Member
FranJan, am I okay?
I think your good and it's probably stress from your gnat invasion. What medium are you growing in? What are you feeding them? And if you can, try mixing the tops of your pot's medium, that simple habit will really screw gnats up. Disturbs them while they are nesting/sleeping/laying eggs and will really break their life cycle up. Just mix up the top inch or so with your hand. And I was always taught that if you habitually get gnats you are watering incorrectly but like you say your area might just be "Gnat Central" so it may be something you'll have to always deal with. If you're growing organic I guess predatory nematodes would be an option especially if you're recycling the soil so then after a while they will be part of the fauna in your medium.


Well-Known Member
If your plants are not turning their leafs toward the light due to "a stress of some kind" then; Always move your plants out of direct light when plants are stressed.. Chemistry inside the plant is failed so the leaf can dry out and die.. Then you see light stress so you move lights too far away and they stretch...

If your plants were fine at a set distance from your light they should handle it better as they mature, not worse.. Don't yo yo the light distance just move them well back when stressed or right in the light when they are reaching for it.. (I run my hid lights 1.5 to 2 feet away I am not a fan of super close lighting)