Light upgrade question


Well-Known Member
Hey guys,after a handful of 400 watt grows I'm going to bump up,I think? Here's my grow area as best as I can describe.when you open the door and take a step in-my stairs going down start above my left shoulder and taper down to the right,now if you turn to the left and take a step forward I have a 3x3 scrog on my left and right side.the growing area is basically a 4'x9' rectangle with 8' ceiling. I have a 400 hanging above thinking of bumping to 600 watt? Would a 1000 watt be too much? What do any of you think would be the best option to maximize my space?
I do have duct work with a blower so heat shouldn't be an issue...

thanks for any help! Dux.


Well-Known Member
Id go with 2 600s over 1000, get quality hoods too. I love my magnum xxl. 2 of these lights will cover your area flawlessly.


Well-Known Member
Or even get 2 1000s in that area and keep them high away from canopy. My plsnts love being atleast 2 foot from it. Keep it cooled too, suckers get hot but I can youch my glass from my hood all day long if cooled.


Well-Known Member
I guess I'd love to run 2 1000's. But that's more than I can spend right now,ill start with 1 and combine my 2 scrog tables and go from there! Thanks again!