Light upgrade


Well-Known Member
Nice light.

Why do so many of you guys order sh!t from online?? Doesn't anyone here live near a hydro/grow shop.. i do so it makes things easy to get and it's alot more convenient and no to forget cheaper too.


Well-Known Member
the only thing there is where i live is earl may, home depot, and menards. don't have a shop that specialises in hydro.


Well-Known Member
consider yourself lucky Major, the hydroponics store in my area is much more expensive than some of the online stores like HTGsupply and BGHydro, even after shipping costs! I can buy some stuff there that are priced fine like pumps etc... but most things are jacked up in price...



Well-Known Member
smae thing with me spliff. I cannot get a light like the one I got for the price I paid for it around here. dude, I got a brand new setup for $120 all included delivered to me door. can't beat that. le1337need you will notice a difference right away. gl on your grow


Well-Known Member
Okay, maybe i'm just lucky where i live.

I have looked at stuff online, to compare prices between my local hydro shop vs the net. I found that prices were very similar in most cases but the hydro store where i live is slightly cheaper. You obviously don't have to pay shipping or wait for your order either, it's so convenient :mrgreen:

I'm sorry some of you don't have this privilege.


Well-Known Member
i know in canada there are alot of stores due to MM patients and head shops. down here in repressed Ohio, otherwise known as the rust belt (interesting info), you pay an arm and a sperm producing testicle for your grow stuff.


Well-Known Member
smae thing with me spliff. I cannot get a light like the one I got for the price I paid for it around here. dude, I got a brand new setup for $120 all included delivered to me door. can't beat that. le1337need you will notice a difference right away. gl on your grow
I got the same one dude. Kinda wish I got the air coolable reflector though. a little bit more money but definitely the best deal out there for an air coolable. You can keep the light so much closer with the coolable. I'll know for next time.


Well-Known Member
I use this light, it's done good for me so far, except my bulb died, but that may have been my fault.
Depending on the amount of time since you ordered it, they will change it for you. Same thing happened to me (only after two weeks though) and I called and they sent me a new one...


on that note.. i have a fan blowing directly all over my hood/bulb and i can get them 6 inches away.