

Well-Known Member

today I went to walmart and picked up 4; 23 watt "Soft White" CFL's. Is it fine that they are Soft white? also, how many will I need for 1 plant. Each gives 1600 lumens. I bought 2 extra lamps for a total of 3 bulbs I can use at a time. Should I use all 3 or just 2?


Well-Known Member
Any help?

I'm building my grow room under my bed which is about 12" high and have successfully hung 2- 23watt CFL's...Should I put another one under there? I think 2 is fine for 1 plant....


Active Member
I think its ok for starting out, i grew mine from seed with just 3 cfls, i recently added more now that there about 6-7 inches tall and getting bushy. You should just add more when they get bigger.


Active Member
The bulbs (CFL's) need to be in a fixture that can be raised as the plants grow, the light need to be kept a few inches from the top of the plants. Use as many bulbs as you can fit. "Daylight" type cfl's produce enough light in the blue spectrum and are good to start with, then to flower you can switch to "soft" or "warm" cfl's and 12/12 lighting. Read "101 already asked questions" sticky and watch solme grow videos here (or on, look up "indoor marijuana") to accumulate more knowledge before starting to increase your chances of success, Good Luck!


Active Member
Yeah it would seem hard to grow under your bed because they will grow bigger, might be ok if you relocate them to a bigger space later on. :hump:


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the replies.

I read the 101 already asked questions and it never said anything about "soft" CFL's only Cold and Warm CFL. I got the basic idea on how to grow and I'm just messing around with this 1 plant to see what I can come up with so when I buy expensive seeds online, I know what to do with them.

Alright, I'll try to grow it somewhere...My closet is full of shit and the only place I could think of is my office, but alot of my brothers friends come in my office to play xbox. They are like 8-10 years old. I hope they don't know what a marijuana plant is or what it looks like! lol. When I was growing the seedling in my office for the first couple of days and the kids came over the first thing they said was "what kinda plant is that?" and I told them it was a sun flower plant and that I was growing it for a science project LOL


Well-Known Member
Does it make a difference? Or am I fine? I keep on getting different answers by different people and I have no idea who to believe! With this set up, you can't expect alot of bud. Maybe a couple of grams? I'm willing to wait that long for some bud. Some bud is better than no bud


Well-Known Member
He is right about the spectrums... those lights would be better for flowering.

Get "daylight" ones for starting them out.


Active Member
Does it make a difference? Or am I fine? I keep on getting different answers by different people and I have no idea who to believe!
Where is the conflicting info? The first response(Supertaco) says 2 cfls is O.K.,(he used 3), Second response(Me) I said "daylight" cfls for veg, "soft" cfls for flowering, place them close to the plants and where to access general info on marijuana growing. Third response, Supertaco mentions that "soft" cfls are the same as "warm".......No conflict yet! Fourth response, (Cannibascannibal) asks what size yield do you expect. Fifth response, (Me again) Specifying again which cfls to use for veg(daylight) and flowering(warm" or "soft"). Sixth response, (Kato88 ) Agrees with me says, Yeah use the "daylight" ones for vegging and to use the warm ones for flowering. So what is confusing? or conflicting? The "warm" or "soft" ones, can cause your babies to stretch alot and possibly fall over like an overcooked strand of spaghetti! "Daylight"cfls=veg , "soft" or "warm"cfls=flower ,Jeez!


Well-Known Member
haha no conflict yet, but I keep on searching for different topics similar to mine and I see different answers. Just wanted to make sure who's right and who's wrong. So far I'm the person who's wrong! lol. Also, am I fine with what I have? I don't have the time nor money to purchase new bulbs. 2; 23 watt warm CFL's for vegging my 8 day old seedling?


Well-Known Member
ive got two sprouts, well now small plants, each with 3 leaf sets so far, very tight internodal spacing. ive got two cfls on each plant. two domes with a y-adapter in each. i dont know what variety the cfl's are (soft, warm, cool, bright). i just know they are 26 watt ge bulbs. they seem to be working very well so far. when i look at the plants with all the rest of the lights in the house off, but the cfl's on, it looks like theres a red tint, so im guessing they're the warm ones.


Well-Known Member
also, they are aobut two weeks into vegging, give or take a day or two. the lighting is about an inch and a half away from each plant. wawter once int he morning, once in the evening, around the base of the plant, no spraying. starting with 1/4 nutes soon


Well-Known Member
I think you have the cool ones because I know in astronomy the hottest suns in the galaxy are blue. Blue is much hotter than red.


Well-Known Member
the ones in the red spectrum are more for vegging right? i want the ones that make pert flowers(blue spec.) if this was already answered im sorry, stoned and too lazy to re-read thread