Lighting and hydroponic system questions


New Member
Hey guys, I am a first time grow and have never actually did it yet. I am currently trying to figure out everything I need. After looking through this forum I have decided on two lighting systems. System one is a CFL and system 2 is a 150 watt HPS. System 2 cost about 40 more and I was wondering if it would be worth it to spend the extra cash on system 2. Can I use HPS for both vegetating and flowering or is HPS only for flowering?. Any advice or tips would be appreciated. Please let me know

SYSTEM 2 - (150 watt)

On another note, I am think about buying this 6 site hydroponic system. Its cheap and has everything, so it might be good for beginners?]var=590193288773&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649

Please let me know what you think of this also.


HPS is far superior to cfl, cfl is cheaper to buy and uses less electricity, If I had a choice I would use HPS. You should keep it simple initially, you may buy something that doesn't work for you. Remember that there are pro's and con's to both HPS and cfl.